Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

If Someone Is Injured Inside My Home in West Palm Beach, Florida, Am I Legally Liable?

The short answer is, it depends. Owners are responsible if the injury is caused by a dangerous condition in your home that you knew or had reason to know involves an unreasonable risk of harm to your guest.
For example, if a guest slips, falls and injures himself/herself on steps that you knew to be dangerous, you could be held responsible if you fail to exercise reasonable care to make the steps safe or fail to warn your guest of the dangerous step.

However, you are typically not responsible to warn of an €open and obvious€ condition unless the condition is such that you should reasonably anticipate that it creates an unreasonable risk of harm to your guest notwithstanding a warning or your guest's knowledge of the danger.

For example, if you have an open electrical wire (not insulated) that could expose a guest to serious injury, and even if the condition is open and obvious, the homeowner is not absolved of the responsibility to warn where the owner has reason to believe others will encounter the dangerous condition regardless of its open and obvious nature.

The bottom line is: You should not be responsible in most instances since most conditions will be open and obvious to your guest. However, if you know of some idiosyncrasy in your home that could cause injury to a guest, try to repair them or warn of their existence.

The author of this article Richard D. Schuler is a Founding Partner of Schuler, Halvorson, Weisser & Zoeller, P.A., and is a Board Certified Civil Trial Attorney.. If you want to learn more about your liability if someone is injured in your home, or many other real world legal issues in cases of car accidents, slip and fall cases, airplane accidents, medical malpractice, nursing home and ALF abuse, wrongful death, truck accidents, premises liability, motorcycle accidents, boating accidents, products liability, toxic/mass tort litigation, insurance litigation, negligent security and other personal injury cases in West Palm Beach, Port St. Lucie and throughout the state of Florida, you need to contact a firm with a level of expertise that yields results. That firm is Schuler, Halvorson, Weisser & Zoeller at

We have 2 offices in south Florida. The first is located in the Barristers Building at 1615 Forum Place on the 4th Floor in West Palm Beach, 33401. The second office is located at 240 NW Peacock Boulevard, Suite 103 in Port St. Lucie, 34986. You can contact us at either office through our toll free phone number, (800) 689-8180, or local phone number (561) 689-8180 or via email at Contact us today for a FREE initial consultation.
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