Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

How to File a BP Claim to Replace Your Lost Income

Being the victims of the Deepwater Horizon disaster is indeed unfortunate.
All of us are depressed and disappointed.
Seriously speaking, we need to take necessary steps to regain our financial stability.
We have to be proactive and make sure that our rights are well protected.
Under the terms of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, BP must compensate all the related victims for their loss of income, wages and revenue.
It is time for you to start taking action to file a BP claim to the Gulf Coat Claim Facility.
The procedures are quite simple.
You can do it on your own without getting an attorney.
Let me show you how it goes: Step 1: Call the Deepwater Horizon Response Hotline You need to contact the BP Claims Office to find out the exact procedures of claiming in your state.
It is better for you to inform the officer in charge about your current situation.
He or she will advise you to get ready the type of documents to serve as proof.
If you are not sure about your eligibility, you are advised to find out from the customer service officer to determine whether you are qualified to file the claim.
Step 2: Get ready all the necessary evidence If you have confirmed that you are qualified, you can then start gathering all the necessary documents to file your BP claim.
If you are an employee suffering from loss of monthly income due to the oil spill incident, you are required to get ready the W-2 forms for 2009 and your pay stubs for the past two months.
To be frank, there are many workers who have lost their jobs due to this incident.
They are facing financial difficulties because they fail to get new jobs.
Step 3: Fill up the BP claim form Honestly speaking, the format of the claim form is simple.
You can download it online.
Basically, you just need to fill up your personal details.
Since you are suffering from loss of income, you can ignore that part which related to the damage of property.
Step 4: Submit your claim After you have completed the form, you can then submit it to the claim office.
The standard response time is within 48 hours.
The BP customer service officer will call you up to verify your claim.
Step 5: Collect your interim payment Once the verification is done, you will be informed to collect your interim payment at BP claim office in your state.
The amount of interim payment is based on your loss of income or wages.
BP will justify the compensation accordingly.
Up to date, BP pays up to $5000 per month as interim payment for the victims.
Step 6: Follow up your final claim After getting your interim payment, don't forget to obtain your remaining balance.
A BP claim investigator will contact you again to follow-up your case.
Your total loss will be evaluated and you will be paid the final claim after thorough investigation is completed.
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