- 1). Cut a 7-inch strip of bamboo. Bend the strip into a circle and glue the two ends together. Pinch the ends between your fingers until the glue firms. This will be the frame.
- 2). Cut two 5-inch lengths of thin, lightweight craft wire. Wrap the end of one wire around the bamboo frame several times and stretch the free end across the frame. Secure the wire to the opposite end of the frame by wrapping it around the bamboo several times.
- 3). Place the second wire on top of the first wire to create an “X.” Secure the wire by wrapping the ends around the frame several times.
- 4). Cut a pattern for the lantern panels out of a brown paper bag. The pattern will resemble a leaf and measure 40 inches long. The base of the pattern should be 12 inches wide. The pattern will flare to 22 inches wide two-thirds of the way up and gradually taper to a point at the top.
- 5). Use the pattern to cut out four panels of tissue paper.
- 6). Hang the tissue paper panels by the tips on a clothes line. Spray the base of the panels with a fire retardant until saturated. Allow it to dry.
- 7). Run a line of glue along the side of one panel from the base to the tip. Press the side of another panel into place. Repeat this process until all four panels have been glued together in the form of a bag, with the widest end open and the tip sealed.
- 8). Glue the tissue paper bag to the bamboo hoop. Run a bead of glue along the outside of the bamboo hoop and slide the open end of the bag over the hoop. Use your fingers to press the bag into the glue.
- 9). Pull a cotton ball apart slightly and soak it in rubbing alcohol. Drape it over the wire “X” inside the bamboo frame.
- 10
Hold the lantern up by its tip and ignite the cotton ball with either a stick lighter or long candle. Release the lantern and watch it fly.