- 1). Strap at least two bungee cords around the trash can lid: Place two bungee cords on the ground or floor so that one is lying across the other. Put the can on top of the cords where they cross. Bring the two ends of one cord up around the top of the lid and hook them together; repeat for the other cord's ends. Depending on the size of the can and the length of the cords -- you'll have to test out a few cords to find which length works best -- the lid could be rather tight. Be careful that you don't get your fingers caught when hooking or unhooking the cords.
- 2). Place bricks or weights at the bottom of the can if the problem is mainly animals tipping the can over to knock the lid off. Put another few bricks or weights on top of the can if needed. If you're working on an outdoor trash can, the Los Angeles Times advises removing the weights or bricks on garbage day, otherwise the brick will disappear right along with the trash.
- 3). Tape plastic over openings that slide or flip on indoor kitchen garbage cans. Lift up part of the tape when you want to dispose of something, and reseal the tape afterward. You'll probably have to replace the tape every few days as its adhesive weakens from regularly being pulled off.
- 4). Measure the perimeter of the can and cut a length of flexible plastic tubing. ACMEParts.com suggests the type of tubing used in water supply lines for ice makers. Split the tubing down one side lengthwise. Push the tubing onto the rim and try to replace the lid. Adjust the tubing as necessary to make it fit. Seal the two ends of the tubing together with duct tape and place duct tape along the length of the tubing where it meets the can to ensure the tubing won't pull off every time you remove the lid.