Health & Medical Women's Health

Is There Anything You Can Do to Help Prevent a Yeast Infection?

At some point in your life it's likely you will suffer from a yeast infection.
Once you've had one, you'll know you never want to go through it again.
Even if you've never had the uncomfortable, miserable fortune of having one, you can still take some simple steps to aggressively fight the yeast and avoid the infection.
Yeast infections are based in the natural fungus Candida albicans which is present in the intestines of every human being, male and female.
To keep this fungus from turning into the mold that causes infection, we can take positive steps towards keeping our immune systems strong and healthy.
Two of the best things you can do to keep your immune system strong is to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
Avoiding drugs like steroids, alcohol, and antibiotics can also help prevent infections.
These substances destroy the "good bacteria" in your body.
Without it, you have little defense against bad bacteria that strikes you.
By adding an acidophilus supplement to your diet or eating natural yogurt with live bacteria cultures, you can build up your good bacteria to a level where it will protect you from infections.
If vaginal and skin yeast infections should occur, the most important thing to remember is to keep the area as dry as possible.
Moisture will make the skin more vulnerable and leave you at risk to have fungus invade the area and start growing under the skin.
Areas that get chafed a lot are also more susceptible.
You need to keep the areas clean, and wear loose, dry clothing.
Use unscented talc to keep affected areas dry.
Cotton underwear allows the area to breathe much more than other types.
Never keep a wet bathing suit on for a long period of time, because that will also encourage infection.
Most people don't realize that sexual contact can pass the infection from one partner to the other.
Although the condition isn't serious, it can be very uncomfortable and annoying.
If you know you have yeast infection, avoid sexual contact until you get the infection treated.
If you've already had sex before knowing you had the condition, both you and your partner should seek medical attention before resuming sexual activities.
If you both don't get treatment in the first place, you may end up passing the infection back and forth for many years.
The easiest way to combat yeast infection is by staying as healthy as possible so that your body will be able to control the Candida albicans.
It's important to eat healthy, avoid stress, and exercise regularly so that your body will have the tools it needs to avoid infections.
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