ISC certification contains both CISSP and SSCP exam. Many people want to get CISSP certification, How to pass the exam successfully? There are so many websites providing the latest CISSP study guide on the internet. Killtest is one of them. I think killtest is your best and wise choice.
 Killtest CISSP practice exam is prepared by our certified IT professionals and specialists, who collect all the latest exam information. With killtest, you will have a good understanding of the exam topics and system. What's more important is that you can get free update for one year from killtest after you buy the exam.
 Which one of the following statements describes management controls that are instituted to implement a security policy?
A. They prevent users from accessing any control function.
B. They eliminate the need for most auditing functions.
C. They may be administrative, procedural, or technical.
D. They are generally inexpensive to implement.
Answer: C
Which must bear the primary responsibility for determining the level of protection needed for information systems resources?
A.) IS security specialists
B.) Senior Management
C.) Seniors security analysts
D.) system auditors
Answer: B
What are the three fundamental principles of security?
A.) Accountability, confidentiality, and integrity
B.) Confidentiality, integrity, and availability
C.) Integrity, availability, and accountability
D.) Availability, accountability, and confidentiality
Answer: B
Which of the following prevents, detects, and corrects errors so that the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of transactions over networks may be maintained?
A.) Communications security management and techniques
B.) Networks security management and techniques
C.) Clients security management and techniques
D.) Servers security management and techniques
Answer: A
 Killtest CISSP practice exam is prepared by our certified IT professionals and specialists, who collect all the latest exam information. With killtest, you will have a good understanding of the exam topics and system. What's more important is that you can get free update for one year from killtest after you buy the exam.
 Which one of the following statements describes management controls that are instituted to implement a security policy?
A. They prevent users from accessing any control function.
B. They eliminate the need for most auditing functions.
C. They may be administrative, procedural, or technical.
D. They are generally inexpensive to implement.
Answer: C
Which must bear the primary responsibility for determining the level of protection needed for information systems resources?
A.) IS security specialists
B.) Senior Management
C.) Seniors security analysts
D.) system auditors
Answer: B
What are the three fundamental principles of security?
A.) Accountability, confidentiality, and integrity
B.) Confidentiality, integrity, and availability
C.) Integrity, availability, and accountability
D.) Availability, accountability, and confidentiality
Answer: B
Which of the following prevents, detects, and corrects errors so that the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of transactions over networks may be maintained?
A.) Communications security management and techniques
B.) Networks security management and techniques
C.) Clients security management and techniques
D.) Servers security management and techniques
Answer: A