As the story goes, chiropractic was accidentally stumbled upon by D.
Palmer way back in 1895.
After he adjusted the spine of a deaf man, the deaf man found that he could hear.
Did this adjustment cure the man's deafness? Was spinal adjustment a cure for deafness? Well maybe and maybe not.
However, back then Mr.
Palmer came to the conclusion that perhaps the condition and alignment of the spine in some way affects the health of the nervous system.
What Mr.
Palmer stumbled upon back then is today called chiropractic.
And today chiropractic has moved into the mainstream alongside other respected health sciences.
It wasn't always that way.
The discipline of chiropractic teaches that one's overall health and well being is intertwined with the health of the spine and in particular the nervous system or nerves radiating out to all parts of the body systems from the spine.
The word chiropractic comes from "chiro" which means "hand" and the word "praxis" which means "to do" or in other words, "done by hand.
" Chiropractic is literally spinal manipulation using the chiropractor's hands.
The practice seeks to heal one's ailments without the use of surgery or drugs by using a total holistic approach.
As reported by the Journal of Pediatrics, when Americans seek out holistic healthcare, chiropractic comes in at number one on their list.
Chiropractic has shown promise in not only treating back pain, but also conditions such as migraines, carpal tunnel, shoulder and neck pain, and fibromyalgia.
In addition, the practice has shown positive outcomes in the treatment of asthma and arthritis as well.
Chiropractors as a group are broken down into two categories based upon the types of treatment methods used in their practices.
The first is the "straight" type which uses only the spinal manipulation methods we discussed above.
The second is the "mixed" types who not only use spinal manipulation but other treatment therapies as well.
These other treatment therapies may include ultrasound, heat, traction, nutritional supplements, and exercise therapy.
The "mixed" types may also have training in naturopathy, homeopathy, and kinesiology.
Some may also have training in the use of acupuncture.
Before deciding whether or not treatment by a chiropractor is best for you, insure that the chiropractor of your choosing has a Doctor of Chiropractor (D.
) degree and is licensed to practice in your state.
Having a spinal adjustment done by anyone other than a trained chiropractor not understanding the mechanics of your spine could cause you serious damage.
Palmer way back in 1895.
After he adjusted the spine of a deaf man, the deaf man found that he could hear.
Did this adjustment cure the man's deafness? Was spinal adjustment a cure for deafness? Well maybe and maybe not.
However, back then Mr.
Palmer came to the conclusion that perhaps the condition and alignment of the spine in some way affects the health of the nervous system.
What Mr.
Palmer stumbled upon back then is today called chiropractic.
And today chiropractic has moved into the mainstream alongside other respected health sciences.
It wasn't always that way.
The discipline of chiropractic teaches that one's overall health and well being is intertwined with the health of the spine and in particular the nervous system or nerves radiating out to all parts of the body systems from the spine.
The word chiropractic comes from "chiro" which means "hand" and the word "praxis" which means "to do" or in other words, "done by hand.
" Chiropractic is literally spinal manipulation using the chiropractor's hands.
The practice seeks to heal one's ailments without the use of surgery or drugs by using a total holistic approach.
As reported by the Journal of Pediatrics, when Americans seek out holistic healthcare, chiropractic comes in at number one on their list.
Chiropractic has shown promise in not only treating back pain, but also conditions such as migraines, carpal tunnel, shoulder and neck pain, and fibromyalgia.
In addition, the practice has shown positive outcomes in the treatment of asthma and arthritis as well.
Chiropractors as a group are broken down into two categories based upon the types of treatment methods used in their practices.
The first is the "straight" type which uses only the spinal manipulation methods we discussed above.
The second is the "mixed" types who not only use spinal manipulation but other treatment therapies as well.
These other treatment therapies may include ultrasound, heat, traction, nutritional supplements, and exercise therapy.
The "mixed" types may also have training in naturopathy, homeopathy, and kinesiology.
Some may also have training in the use of acupuncture.
Before deciding whether or not treatment by a chiropractor is best for you, insure that the chiropractor of your choosing has a Doctor of Chiropractor (D.
) degree and is licensed to practice in your state.
Having a spinal adjustment done by anyone other than a trained chiropractor not understanding the mechanics of your spine could cause you serious damage.