Would you like to develop a six pack quickly? It's no secret that having ripped abs will get you a lot of attention.
But did you know that there's only three principles you need to perfect so you to can develop a six pack quickly and easily? These three principles are: nutrition, cardio and weight training.
Nutrition is one of the most important factors when it comes to building muscle and losing bodyfat.
Basically, to lose bodyfat you need to eat less calories than you are burning, this is called a calorie deficit.
To maintain a calorie deficit you need to be dedicated and should base your diet around clean, complex carbohydrates such as bread, oats, rice and pasta.
At the same time, you need to be providing your muscles, especially your abs, with enough protein for growth.
To do this, I recommend that you eat around 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight every day.
So if you weighed 150 lbs, you should be eating 150 grams of protein.
Contrary to popular belief, for optimal growth your abs need to be constantly supplied with protein throughout the day.
To provide them with this constant supply of protein as well as other essential nutrients you should be eating 6 small meals per day.
Staying at a calorie deficit is a great way to burn fat but it's possible to further your fat burning capabilities by adding certain forms of cardio.
Cardio has long known to be a great way to literally melt away your fat reserves and reveal your abs.
Unfortunately though, most people are going about it in the completely wrong way.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is exercising for too long.
After about 35 minutes of medium intensity cardio, your body will actually start to burn muscle for energy instead of fat, to counter this you should keep your cardio sessions down to around 20-25 minutes each.
Some great cardiovascular activities that will help you to lose fat are: Sprinting, skipping and rowing.
There's no point burning all of that fat away to reveal a weak, poor looking set of abs.
Another huge mistake most people trying to develop a six pack end up making is not weight training their abs.
Doing endless sets and reps of bodyweight crunches and sit-ups does nothing for the growth of your abdominal muscles.
Like every other muscle group in your body, the abs respond best to low reps with a fairly heavy weight.
Try to keep the rep range between 8 and 15 for optimal muscle growth.
There are numerous different exercises you can use in your inventory to build a good set of stomach muscles, a few of them are: weighted crunches, weighted leg raises, the seated ab machine and cable crunches.
If you keep to a solid workout program and you're consistent with your nutrition it will be impossible for you not to develop a six pack to be proud of.
But did you know that there's only three principles you need to perfect so you to can develop a six pack quickly and easily? These three principles are: nutrition, cardio and weight training.
Nutrition is one of the most important factors when it comes to building muscle and losing bodyfat.
Basically, to lose bodyfat you need to eat less calories than you are burning, this is called a calorie deficit.
To maintain a calorie deficit you need to be dedicated and should base your diet around clean, complex carbohydrates such as bread, oats, rice and pasta.
At the same time, you need to be providing your muscles, especially your abs, with enough protein for growth.
To do this, I recommend that you eat around 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight every day.
So if you weighed 150 lbs, you should be eating 150 grams of protein.
Contrary to popular belief, for optimal growth your abs need to be constantly supplied with protein throughout the day.
To provide them with this constant supply of protein as well as other essential nutrients you should be eating 6 small meals per day.
Staying at a calorie deficit is a great way to burn fat but it's possible to further your fat burning capabilities by adding certain forms of cardio.
Cardio has long known to be a great way to literally melt away your fat reserves and reveal your abs.
Unfortunately though, most people are going about it in the completely wrong way.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is exercising for too long.
After about 35 minutes of medium intensity cardio, your body will actually start to burn muscle for energy instead of fat, to counter this you should keep your cardio sessions down to around 20-25 minutes each.
Some great cardiovascular activities that will help you to lose fat are: Sprinting, skipping and rowing.
There's no point burning all of that fat away to reveal a weak, poor looking set of abs.
Another huge mistake most people trying to develop a six pack end up making is not weight training their abs.
Doing endless sets and reps of bodyweight crunches and sit-ups does nothing for the growth of your abdominal muscles.
Like every other muscle group in your body, the abs respond best to low reps with a fairly heavy weight.
Try to keep the rep range between 8 and 15 for optimal muscle growth.
There are numerous different exercises you can use in your inventory to build a good set of stomach muscles, a few of them are: weighted crunches, weighted leg raises, the seated ab machine and cable crunches.
If you keep to a solid workout program and you're consistent with your nutrition it will be impossible for you not to develop a six pack to be proud of.