- 1). Turn off the FloorMate and unplug it from the wall. Remove the tank by pressing on the tank release button and pulling it out. Remove the lid from the tank.
- 2). Look for cracks or holes in the tank. If you cannot find any cracks or holes visually, run water into the tank container until the container is full. Look for the leaking areas of the tank container. Using a rag or paper towel, wipe the area of the leak dry and use a permanent marker to mark each spot of the leaks.
- 3). Empty the tank container and allow it to dry thoroughly. View the areas marked with the permanent marker. Mend cracks by applying superglue along the crack lines. Mend holes using a small piece of electrical tape cut to cover the hole completely. Electrical tape works best because it is water-resistant. Press the electrical tape over the hole and secure the tape firmly with your finger.
- 4). Allow the superglue to dry. The electrical tape will not need to dry. Fill the tank with water to ensure all leaks are sealed. Repeat the process if necessary.
- 5). Reassemble the FloorMate. Ensure that the tank clicks into the FloorMate properly.