The secret to making money with any MLM business is to find something you can get really passionate about.
If you are totally convinced that what you are doing is not only helping you but helping hundreds or even thousands of others you will never lose your passion for sharing it with others.
There are a few vitally important things to consider before plunging head on into any MLM or networking business.
I have a criteria that should be used as a guide to all aspects of viability, they are The Company, Product, Management, Longevity, Publically or Privately held and compensation plan.
A Publically held company is always better as its much more transparent and open, i.
e you can go online and see the companies financials and who is actually running it.
They really don't have anything to hide if everyone can get access to the financials of the company.
With Private companies you have no idea how they,or the management are performing.
And most importantly for all MLM'ers is the compensation plan.
Some are better than others as some only reward those people who got in first and pay the most to them.
Other plans spread this out evenly across thousands of people meaning you truly get paid what you are worth.
Put the effort and hard yards in and you'll get paid that, do just a little and thats what you 'll get paid.
NOT MUCH! The best example of scrutinising the compensation plan is this: There is only ever so much money that can be paid out to associates every week.
If I were to ask you which of these is better I'm sure you'd all respond the same way.
Would you rather have a 30% payout or a 70% payout? pretty easy answer right? If you said 70% you'd be wrong and this is where so many people get taken for a ride.
Let me explain.
If the company is paying 70% to its associates its not going to be around for very long, industry research has it that around 30-40% is the maximum a company can pay out for any sustained period without going bankrupt or having major financial challenges that threaten your income stream.
And as there are many example of companies that have failed throughout the last 50 years these stats are very important and relevant.
So the next time someone says "you have to join xyz company with me as we pay 70% which is so much more than anyone else" you'll be able to tell them where to get off.
Next is another overlooked piece of the puzzle.
Let's say you find a company that is paying 40%,which is a good commission rate,are they paying millions every week to the top associates of the company or are they sharing that around to all? This is another trap for young players.
If the company is paying 80% of all commissions to the top 20% of associates there wont be many new people making pay checks when they get started.
This creates a large casualty list and means that you need to work even harder to maintain your organisation as it grows.
If the company is spreading that 80% across a larger pool of associates it allows new people to earn paychecks right out of the gate and keep them motivated longer.
The rule of thumb here is that if an associate doesn't make a check in the first 2-3 months they will most likely lose motivation and interest and leave and there is statistics to prove this.
I have in fact seen this many times personally in my own business.
When researching a companies products don't use sales statistics to try to prove whether a particular product is better than another.
A friend of mine tried to convince me that a certain companies product was the best because it had $50US Billion worth of sales per year and the second ranked company had only $30 Billion.
Sales figures are one thing but what does the science tell us? This was a Nutritional Supplement product that has been around for years and is a recognised brand.
But is it better that the rest just because of the sales figures? No its not.
Seek out non biased,independent scientifically balanced data not just sales stats or any other fluff that people use to tell you "ours is better".
Longevity is another important piece of the puzzle to.
NEVER EVER jump into the latest startup craze company that just launched and everyone is saying "get in at the top or miss out".
Most of this is just junk and lies.
look for a company with at least 5 years trading record, look at the share price, is it growing or declining?.
Is it a field that is set to grow massively in the next ten years? For eg, the health and wellness industry is set to explode due to baby boomers aging.
History tells us that wherever this group of people have been as they age they have created a need for products and services.
Don't join an MLM company that sells the rubix cube for example as that craze is over.
And finally don't forget to chose an industry or company with unique consumable products that people need.
If you joined a company selling laptops do you think you'd make millions here? Probably not,and why? How often do you buy a new laptop? probably every 3-4 years.
Repeat sales are the backbone to your success in any MLM company.
If the product is ordered on the first of every month over and over again you'll be creating a lifetime of residual income in one of the most exciting and changing industries in the world.
Good luck and my last tip.
Once you have chosen your company.
NEVER EVER quit, follow this and I guarantee 100% you will build a successful business that will be around for years to come if you duplicate that down through your organisation.
If you are totally convinced that what you are doing is not only helping you but helping hundreds or even thousands of others you will never lose your passion for sharing it with others.
There are a few vitally important things to consider before plunging head on into any MLM or networking business.
I have a criteria that should be used as a guide to all aspects of viability, they are The Company, Product, Management, Longevity, Publically or Privately held and compensation plan.
A Publically held company is always better as its much more transparent and open, i.
e you can go online and see the companies financials and who is actually running it.
They really don't have anything to hide if everyone can get access to the financials of the company.
With Private companies you have no idea how they,or the management are performing.
And most importantly for all MLM'ers is the compensation plan.
Some are better than others as some only reward those people who got in first and pay the most to them.
Other plans spread this out evenly across thousands of people meaning you truly get paid what you are worth.
Put the effort and hard yards in and you'll get paid that, do just a little and thats what you 'll get paid.
NOT MUCH! The best example of scrutinising the compensation plan is this: There is only ever so much money that can be paid out to associates every week.
If I were to ask you which of these is better I'm sure you'd all respond the same way.
Would you rather have a 30% payout or a 70% payout? pretty easy answer right? If you said 70% you'd be wrong and this is where so many people get taken for a ride.
Let me explain.
If the company is paying 70% to its associates its not going to be around for very long, industry research has it that around 30-40% is the maximum a company can pay out for any sustained period without going bankrupt or having major financial challenges that threaten your income stream.
And as there are many example of companies that have failed throughout the last 50 years these stats are very important and relevant.
So the next time someone says "you have to join xyz company with me as we pay 70% which is so much more than anyone else" you'll be able to tell them where to get off.
Next is another overlooked piece of the puzzle.
Let's say you find a company that is paying 40%,which is a good commission rate,are they paying millions every week to the top associates of the company or are they sharing that around to all? This is another trap for young players.
If the company is paying 80% of all commissions to the top 20% of associates there wont be many new people making pay checks when they get started.
This creates a large casualty list and means that you need to work even harder to maintain your organisation as it grows.
If the company is spreading that 80% across a larger pool of associates it allows new people to earn paychecks right out of the gate and keep them motivated longer.
The rule of thumb here is that if an associate doesn't make a check in the first 2-3 months they will most likely lose motivation and interest and leave and there is statistics to prove this.
I have in fact seen this many times personally in my own business.
When researching a companies products don't use sales statistics to try to prove whether a particular product is better than another.
A friend of mine tried to convince me that a certain companies product was the best because it had $50US Billion worth of sales per year and the second ranked company had only $30 Billion.
Sales figures are one thing but what does the science tell us? This was a Nutritional Supplement product that has been around for years and is a recognised brand.
But is it better that the rest just because of the sales figures? No its not.
Seek out non biased,independent scientifically balanced data not just sales stats or any other fluff that people use to tell you "ours is better".
Longevity is another important piece of the puzzle to.
NEVER EVER jump into the latest startup craze company that just launched and everyone is saying "get in at the top or miss out".
Most of this is just junk and lies.
look for a company with at least 5 years trading record, look at the share price, is it growing or declining?.
Is it a field that is set to grow massively in the next ten years? For eg, the health and wellness industry is set to explode due to baby boomers aging.
History tells us that wherever this group of people have been as they age they have created a need for products and services.
Don't join an MLM company that sells the rubix cube for example as that craze is over.
And finally don't forget to chose an industry or company with unique consumable products that people need.
If you joined a company selling laptops do you think you'd make millions here? Probably not,and why? How often do you buy a new laptop? probably every 3-4 years.
Repeat sales are the backbone to your success in any MLM company.
If the product is ordered on the first of every month over and over again you'll be creating a lifetime of residual income in one of the most exciting and changing industries in the world.
Good luck and my last tip.
Once you have chosen your company.
NEVER EVER quit, follow this and I guarantee 100% you will build a successful business that will be around for years to come if you duplicate that down through your organisation.