Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

4 Natural Baby Gender Selection Tips to Conceive a Boy Baby

People have believed for centuries that you can choose the sex of your baby.
Wouldn't you like to be able to choose the gender of your baby to get that boy you've always wanted? The good news is that there are ways to do so; some of which are easier, safer and more accessible than others.
You can spend tens of thousands of dollars on highly invasive and potentially dangerous fertility treatments that claim to get you a baby boy - with no guarantee.
These involve powerful drugs, risky medical procedures and often come with the risk of serious side effects.
Or you can use safe, natural baby gender selection methods to significantly increase your chances of conceiving a baby boy.
Here are 4 natural baby gender selection techniques to help you get the baby boy of your dreams: 1.
Lower the acidity inside your vagina.
The sperm that creates a boy baby is different than the sperm that creates a girl baby, and boy sperm doesn't usually survive in very high pH (high acidity) environments.
Douching can help, and boy-friendly gender selection diet changes may help too.
Your food choices directly impact your body's pH, so stay away from acidic foods like teas, coffees and tomato products, including things like pizza and spaghetti sauce.
Adding foods rich in potassium and sodium help you get to an alkaline pH faster, but go easy because sodium can be dangerous in other ways.
Adding bananas will get you the potassium you need along with other vital nutrients.
Use pH test strips to make sure you're on the right track before you start trying to conceive a boy baby.
Get it in deep.
Weaker boy sperm survive best when the trip to the egg is short, and intercourse methods that involve deeper penetration shorten the path for them.
Any positions that have your hips raised during and after sex will help with this.
Use ovulation prediction.
Boy babies are more likely when conception happens close to ovulation, according to some experts.
Stop by a health food store for ovulation prediction charts and other things that will help you be sure when you are ovulating.
Then, have sex before, on and after the date indicated - just to be on the safe side.
Eat more meat.
Many experts are willing to stake their reputations on meat eating as a way to guarantee a boy baby.
Folk medicine has also long suggested that meat-eating leads to male babies.
Whether you are absolutely determined to conceive a baby boy, or you just want to swing the odds in your favor, using these and other natural baby gender selection methods will give you the best chance of getting the baby boy you want.
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