Last week we posted an article about how important it is to get retweets for your business.
Since then we've had a lot of people asking about different tactics and techniques they could use to get retweeted more often.
We love giving the people what they want, so here are 9 very simple ways to get your tweets retweeted.
) First things first, make sure to optimize your message so that it's easily retweetable: Here are some key points made by Chris Brogan regarding this very subject- -Make sure that your tweets are short enough (120 characters is a good start) so that other people will be able to retweet your tweets without having to edit them.
-Let people know what they're clicking on by using titles or very short descriptions.
-Use a period before an '@'.
This allows everyone to see the message instead of just the person that you're @ replying to.
-Try not to jumble tweets with @replies, links and hashtags.
) Have a quality following: You want to make sure that your tweet has a chance.
In order to do this you need to have a quality following.
This includes people who are actively involved in the Twitter community and known for consistently providing good content.
) Retweet others: Make sure that you're also retweeting other people.
By doing so, tweeps will look out for you and your tweets; dramatically increasing your chances of getting some retweets back.
Just make sure that retweeting other peoples' messages isn't the only thing you're doing.
It's absolutely crucial that you build value in yourself as well..
) Make sure to tweet at optimal times: There's a lot of discussion about the best times to tweet.
Both with our Twitter account, @DrivinMeda, as well as the accounts of our clients, we've learned that the following days and times work the best: Wednesday-Friday, 5AM, 9AM, 1PM, 3PM, 6PM, 11PM EST.
) Add links into your tweets: When tweeting, make sure and use URL shorteners such as Bit.
ly or Ow.
ly when tweeting links.
Tweets with links that provide some type of value are the most often retweeted, and the use of shorteners allows them to be tracked while also leaving a little extra room to work with.
) Use words and phrases that command attention: Phrases such as 'NEW BLOG POST', '#FOLLOW' (in relation to Follow Friday) and 'Please Retweet' typically work the best.
Just make sure not to use these too much as people will quickly grow tired and ignore them.
Listed below are the words most commonly retweeted, as well as those that are least commonly retweeted.
This according to Dan Zarrella's 'How to get Retweets' presentation- -Most Retweeted (in order of popularity): You, Twitter, please, retweet, post, blog, social, free, media, help, please retweet, great, social media, 10, follow, how to, top, blog post, check out, new blog post.
-Least Retweeted (avoid at all cost): Game, going, haha, lol, but, watching, work, home, night, bed, well, sleep, gonna, hey, tomorrow, tired, some, back, bored, listening.
) Integrate interesting topics: This includes tweets that contain breaking news or anything else that has yet to be seen by your tweeps.
Tweets containing instructional content or content covering the entertainment industry are the tweets most often retweeted by women.
Males, on the other hand, most often retweet tweets containing opinion-based content.
) Adding [brackets] into titles: When you add brackets around your keywords, it makes your tweets stand out from all of the other tweets.
This allows people to find your tweet and quickly determine if it is something that they are interested in.
) Add a retweet button to your blog posts: This is something simple to do that will really be effective when it comes to motivating other people to retweet your message.
This allows loyal readers to share your blog posts through retweets.
There are many more techniques one could use to improve the frequency of their tweets being retweeted.
However starting out by focusing on the nine above will go a long way in ensuring Twitter-success for you or your company...
Speaking of more RT-inducing techniques, what are some that have worked for you?
Since then we've had a lot of people asking about different tactics and techniques they could use to get retweeted more often.
We love giving the people what they want, so here are 9 very simple ways to get your tweets retweeted.
) First things first, make sure to optimize your message so that it's easily retweetable: Here are some key points made by Chris Brogan regarding this very subject- -Make sure that your tweets are short enough (120 characters is a good start) so that other people will be able to retweet your tweets without having to edit them.
-Let people know what they're clicking on by using titles or very short descriptions.
-Use a period before an '@'.
This allows everyone to see the message instead of just the person that you're @ replying to.
-Try not to jumble tweets with @replies, links and hashtags.
) Have a quality following: You want to make sure that your tweet has a chance.
In order to do this you need to have a quality following.
This includes people who are actively involved in the Twitter community and known for consistently providing good content.
) Retweet others: Make sure that you're also retweeting other people.
By doing so, tweeps will look out for you and your tweets; dramatically increasing your chances of getting some retweets back.
Just make sure that retweeting other peoples' messages isn't the only thing you're doing.
It's absolutely crucial that you build value in yourself as well..
) Make sure to tweet at optimal times: There's a lot of discussion about the best times to tweet.
Both with our Twitter account, @DrivinMeda, as well as the accounts of our clients, we've learned that the following days and times work the best: Wednesday-Friday, 5AM, 9AM, 1PM, 3PM, 6PM, 11PM EST.
) Add links into your tweets: When tweeting, make sure and use URL shorteners such as Bit.
ly or Ow.
ly when tweeting links.
Tweets with links that provide some type of value are the most often retweeted, and the use of shorteners allows them to be tracked while also leaving a little extra room to work with.
) Use words and phrases that command attention: Phrases such as 'NEW BLOG POST', '#FOLLOW' (in relation to Follow Friday) and 'Please Retweet' typically work the best.
Just make sure not to use these too much as people will quickly grow tired and ignore them.
Listed below are the words most commonly retweeted, as well as those that are least commonly retweeted.
This according to Dan Zarrella's 'How to get Retweets' presentation- -Most Retweeted (in order of popularity): You, Twitter, please, retweet, post, blog, social, free, media, help, please retweet, great, social media, 10, follow, how to, top, blog post, check out, new blog post.
-Least Retweeted (avoid at all cost): Game, going, haha, lol, but, watching, work, home, night, bed, well, sleep, gonna, hey, tomorrow, tired, some, back, bored, listening.
) Integrate interesting topics: This includes tweets that contain breaking news or anything else that has yet to be seen by your tweeps.
Tweets containing instructional content or content covering the entertainment industry are the tweets most often retweeted by women.
Males, on the other hand, most often retweet tweets containing opinion-based content.
) Adding [brackets] into titles: When you add brackets around your keywords, it makes your tweets stand out from all of the other tweets.
This allows people to find your tweet and quickly determine if it is something that they are interested in.
) Add a retweet button to your blog posts: This is something simple to do that will really be effective when it comes to motivating other people to retweet your message.
This allows loyal readers to share your blog posts through retweets.
There are many more techniques one could use to improve the frequency of their tweets being retweeted.
However starting out by focusing on the nine above will go a long way in ensuring Twitter-success for you or your company...
Speaking of more RT-inducing techniques, what are some that have worked for you?