- 1). Take the vehicle to an auto service station where they can recover the refrigerant from your vehicle's air-conditioning system before you replace the compressor.
- 2). Park the car in a safe place, open the hood and loosen the drive belt tensioner using a wrench or ratchet and socket; and remove the drive belt from the compressor pulley.
- 3). Raise the front of the vehicle if it is easier for you to reach some of the compressor mounting bolts from underneath the vehicle. Use a floor jack and safely support the vehicle on jack stands.
- 4). Remove the liner from the front right-hand-side fender (passenger side) of the engine compartment.
- 5). Unplug the electrical connector and remove the hose assembly bolt from the compressor.
- 6). Disconnect the hose assembly from the compressor and remove the sealing washers from the hose assembly. Cover the hose openings with plastic and secure with rubber bands or strings to prevent dirt and moisture from contaminating the air-conditioning system.
- 7). Unfasten the compressor mounting bolts and lift the unit out of the engine compartment; set the new unit in place and tighten the mounting bolts to 16-foot lbs. (22 Nm).
- 8). Connect the hose assembly to the compressor using new sealing washers. Tighten the hose assembly mounting bolt to 8-foot lbs. (11 Nm).
- 9). Plug the compressor electrical connector, install the fender liner and lower the vehicle.
- 10
Install the drive belt and take the vehicle to an auto service station where they can charge the refrigerant system and check for leaks.