Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Utilizing Google Analytics

This is a remarkable and free tool that is available to anyone with a Google account.
It is a must for any website owner who wants to not only view their website's traffic progression, but truly analyze and cater to their website's statistics.
I'm a big fan of making use of free resources, so you can bet that I'm on board with utilizing Google Analytics.
FACT: This tool can generate up to 85 different reports about your site.
Let's briefly explore this.
- Number of visitors - Number of individual page views - What content gets the most traffic - Number of pages per visit - Traffic source analysis (referring, search, direct) - How long people view a specific page - Compare different traffic periods side by side - Average time spent on website - Set page or traffic goals to keep track of - Which advertisements drive the most visitors to your site - Synced applications with Google; this includes marketing campaigns in AdWords, AdSense, and Gmail - Detailed global mapping for every visit to your website Tracking Code: Before you begin utilizing Google Analytics, you must install your personal tracking code into your website you wish to track.
This can be complicated if you're not familiar with website jargon, but most templates and control panels have their own spot for this now in their settings.
In earlier years, you had to enter the code on every page.
Be thankful for advancements.
You receive your tracking code after you sign up with Google Analytics, and they have many methods and tutorials for installation, so everything should go over smoothly.
Once you have your tracking code and domain linked to a Google account on Google Analytics (guided process once you sign in), you may begin utilizing the tool.
This is where the fun begins! It's really very interesting to view your own website's statistics.
It may be overwhelming when you first sign into your first account, but work with the program.
Dashboard: Google set up a dashboard viewing area for a website overview.
This is where all of your most basic and most important statistics about your website will be for easy viewing.
What's great about this is that you can customize your dashboard to your liking, including which reports you want at the top, which reports you don't use and want gone, etc.
There is a newer version and older version offered to you when utilizing Google Analytics, and you're free to choose whichever you're more comfortable with.
They both offer essentially the same features, but have different layouts and looks to them.
There is a good chance that the newer version will become mandatory after a time, so I recommend you try to begin with that one so that it feels natural right away.
Portable: Google Analytics comes in smartphone apps, Firefox add-ons, WordPress Plugins, desktop features, and more.
Once you get rolling with the tool, you may want to carry it with you on the go.
Overall utilizing Google Analytics can be a fun, interesting, and profitable way to manage your website.
It is an amazing tool and genuinely over delivers.
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