Let's see if the features of a modern tent are right for you.
In a several ways, 2 person tents are basically similar to the traditional pup tent that we're all used to.
Though it can seem that everyone knows someone who has one, you just simply don't hear a whole lot about their modern counterparts.
Well I think I know what you're about to ask.
Oh yes, I've been there.
Can a 2 person tent compliment your carefree outback camping lifestyle? Let's ease your fears a bit and talk about it.
Let me try to appeal to your more rugged side.
Suppose your out freelancing it with only your sleeping bag and your backpack.
Now, I admit, I love this style of camping.
That is, of course, until it start to rain.
You've probably been there.
Will taking the leap to the strict tent-only paradigm alleviate this little wetness issue? Oh yes we think so.
You have probably been out in the woods and have seen how many outback packers these days carry at least the minimal in exterior tenting.
Let's list a couple reasons to give it a go.
The primary difference is usually size.
If you're like me and you like to head the call of nature, whilst not looking like a pansy camper -- one who frollicks about carrying whatever modern convenience they can buy at a mega sporting goods store, then investing in at least a minimally equipped lightweight modern camping tent is the way to go.
In a several ways, 2 person tents are basically similar to the traditional pup tent that we're all used to.
Though it can seem that everyone knows someone who has one, you just simply don't hear a whole lot about their modern counterparts.
Well I think I know what you're about to ask.
Oh yes, I've been there.
Can a 2 person tent compliment your carefree outback camping lifestyle? Let's ease your fears a bit and talk about it.
Let me try to appeal to your more rugged side.
Suppose your out freelancing it with only your sleeping bag and your backpack.
Now, I admit, I love this style of camping.
That is, of course, until it start to rain.
You've probably been there.
Will taking the leap to the strict tent-only paradigm alleviate this little wetness issue? Oh yes we think so.
You have probably been out in the woods and have seen how many outback packers these days carry at least the minimal in exterior tenting.
Let's list a couple reasons to give it a go.
- Keep your personal food supply safe from wild life.
- Modern waterproof tents keep the water out, and the heat in
The primary difference is usually size.
If you're like me and you like to head the call of nature, whilst not looking like a pansy camper -- one who frollicks about carrying whatever modern convenience they can buy at a mega sporting goods store, then investing in at least a minimally equipped lightweight modern camping tent is the way to go.