Family & Relationships Weddings

Marriage Lessons- How To Keep Your Husband Happy

Is it possible to capture your husbands heart, even if you can sense he may not love you so much anymore? The answer is yes. For this in many marriage lessons, you will learn how to keep your husband happy

Have you been guilty of taking him for granted and thinking that because of the legal contract of marriage that he is stuck with you and you dont have to try so much to keep his fire going? Never ever do that ladies. That is one of the biggest offenses that we commit.

We dont like being taken for granted, so dont do that to your man. He is just as deserving of respect as you are. That is how to keep your husband happy, honoring and treasuring him for the unique person that he is. Isnt that why you married him in the first place?

To help you along, here are some things to do to start bringing that spark back:

Marriage Lessons: How to Keep Your Husband Happy Tip #1

Do you need to have the last word of every conversation or talk back at him like a child at every disagreement you have? You have to change this behavior. You are only killing his pride and ego. There is a way to disagree without being disagreeable or come off as a nag. Also, if you are wrong about something, be mature enough to apologize to him like an adult. Men do not like women who are high drama.

Marriage Lessons: How to Keep Your Husband Happy- Tip #2

Learn to upkeep the home properly. The home is a mans castle and safe haven from the stresses of the world. Keeping the house clean goes a long way to put his mind at ease.

Marriage Lessons: How to Keep Your Husband Happy Tip #3

The old saying the way to a mans heart is his stomach is as true today as ever. Lets face it, men love and appreciate a woman who knows how to whip up some good cooking. If he wanted to go out to eat all the time, he may as well stay single. Give him good food and he will give you love and attention for sure.

Marriage Lessons: How to Keep Your Husband Happy- Tip #4

When was the last time you told your husband that you appreciate him and appreciate the things he does to contribute to your relationship? If you cant remember that recently happening- START DOING IT NOW. Many men end up leaving or cheating on their spouses because they feel unappreciated and not respected. The other woman makes them feel the way you dont.

Remember the laws of reciprocation and attraction, when you focus and praise the positive attributes of something or someone, you will receive more of the same.

Marriage Lessons: How to Keep Your Husband Happy Tip #5

Strive to take care of yourself and appearance. This doesnt always mean lose 40 pounds or try to shrink into a size 2. It simply means taking the time to do your hair and make up, wearing clothes and colors to bring out your eyes or accentuate your best features to list a few. Trust me; just about all of us girls have a little something that we can really work with if we try.That is how you keep your husband happy.

Why did you stop wearing makeup, the pretty outfits, thinking that he would find sweatpants and holey shirts sexy? Men are visual creatures. Whatever it took to get your baby hooked is exactly what you need to keep doing to keep him interested.

Here is a hard truth- If you dont take the time to care about how you look and take pride in it, why should he? Besides, when you look good, you feel good and that energy comes out in how you carry yourself to the outside world.

In conclusion, how to keep your husband happy is a lot easier than we may think. Staying happily married takes consistent work, but not stressful, hard work. So if you love your husband, do what you need to do to keep him.
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