If you are one of those individuals with Asthma or Allergies, it is important to have an Eco-Friendly Kitchen. Everything you do can have an impact upon your health in a more dramatic way than most individuals. We as individuals are more aware of the impact environmental issues can have on us in our daily lives. This is why our Kitchens need to be Environmentally Friendly toward us.
Our health can be impacted from plastic being used in our Kitchens. Lab Testing has shown that recent studies indicate that some compounds found in plastic may be toxic. The problem is that the controversial Bisphenol-A (BPA) is in many types of plastic containers, from baby bottles to the lining in food cans. It is also in plastic water bottles that we carry our water in. This plastic is not biodegradable so it is filling up our landfills. Our oceans are loaded with these plastic bottles from improper disposal from boaters and cruise ships.
To start off, you need to start replacing you plastic with glass. Glass has been proven to be healthy and environmentally friendly. There are lots of good companies that make glass containers. Many of the glass containers can be used in the microwave, the oven, the freezer and are dishwasher safe. I have tried all of them and the glass does not break if it the right type. The glass containers do not stain like the plastic containers and are easy to clean without damaging the surfaces and usability. The downside is that they do break.
Another alternative is Stainless Steel. Although you can not use it in the microwave, it is dishwasher safe and works great on the stove-top. Try using stainless steel mixing bowls, they are easy to clean also. They are much better looking than cheap looking plastic. When it comes to your water bottle, there are plenty of companies that offer stainless steel water bottles. I personally use glass bottles in a carrying case. The water can warm up in your car and it still does not taste like plastic. It is still healthy for you too.
In conclusion, plastic is bad for the environment. Glass and Stainless Steel are better alternatives and it helps us to have an Eco-Friendly Kitchen. By eliminating plastic from our lives, we help prevent it from going to the landfills. It will also help with less dependence on foreign oil companies. If you feel that you have been exposed to BPA in plastic and it is making you sick, contact your Doctor immediately.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.
To learn more about your home, visit our website at http://www.safe-homes.com or http://www.air-testing.com
Mr. Art Emiss is available as a professional speaker to help educate your community or group function on Asthma, Allergies, Mold, Indoor Air Quality and the Chemically Injured. Visit our website and sign up for our Free Air Conditioning Filter Change Reminder Service.
Our health can be impacted from plastic being used in our Kitchens. Lab Testing has shown that recent studies indicate that some compounds found in plastic may be toxic. The problem is that the controversial Bisphenol-A (BPA) is in many types of plastic containers, from baby bottles to the lining in food cans. It is also in plastic water bottles that we carry our water in. This plastic is not biodegradable so it is filling up our landfills. Our oceans are loaded with these plastic bottles from improper disposal from boaters and cruise ships.
To start off, you need to start replacing you plastic with glass. Glass has been proven to be healthy and environmentally friendly. There are lots of good companies that make glass containers. Many of the glass containers can be used in the microwave, the oven, the freezer and are dishwasher safe. I have tried all of them and the glass does not break if it the right type. The glass containers do not stain like the plastic containers and are easy to clean without damaging the surfaces and usability. The downside is that they do break.
Another alternative is Stainless Steel. Although you can not use it in the microwave, it is dishwasher safe and works great on the stove-top. Try using stainless steel mixing bowls, they are easy to clean also. They are much better looking than cheap looking plastic. When it comes to your water bottle, there are plenty of companies that offer stainless steel water bottles. I personally use glass bottles in a carrying case. The water can warm up in your car and it still does not taste like plastic. It is still healthy for you too.
In conclusion, plastic is bad for the environment. Glass and Stainless Steel are better alternatives and it helps us to have an Eco-Friendly Kitchen. By eliminating plastic from our lives, we help prevent it from going to the landfills. It will also help with less dependence on foreign oil companies. If you feel that you have been exposed to BPA in plastic and it is making you sick, contact your Doctor immediately.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.
To learn more about your home, visit our website at http://www.safe-homes.com or http://www.air-testing.com
Mr. Art Emiss is available as a professional speaker to help educate your community or group function on Asthma, Allergies, Mold, Indoor Air Quality and the Chemically Injured. Visit our website and sign up for our Free Air Conditioning Filter Change Reminder Service.