Meditation has become a modern day phenomena.
Although it's not exactly a new form of relaxation, it's one that appears to work for most people, and can be performed in a variety of locations.
Have you tried it yet? In this article we're going to have a look at whether an 8-minute meditation is possible, and if it's going to be able to give yourself an extra boost during the day.
Let's start with a quick overview of what meditation is, and what most people hope to achieve from it.
Meditation is a way of putting yourself into an altered state of consciousness.
You focus on one specific thing, and let the rest of life go on around you.
Of course you aren't in a complete trance, so if anything happens that could cause you some harm you'll be able to do something about it.
Although many people see this as a way of reaching some sort of spiritual enlightenment, just as many look on it as a way of shedding some of their daily troubles, even if it's just for a short time, and being able to find an inner calm and relaxation.
In November 2005 a book, written by Victor Davich, was published about how you could do an 8-minute meditation.
For all of the people out there with little time, a lot of stress and nothing more than a passing recognition of what relaxation is, this book sounds like the missing piece of the puzzle.
Is an 8-minute meditation even possible? Well, there's no reason why it shouldn't be possible, but, it may (ironically) take you sometime to achieve to start with.
One of the reasons for that is because most people can't just clear their minds like they'd flick off a light switch.
For the first few times you're going to find it a little difficult to just let go of all of the things happening in your life, even for 8-minutes, but with a little practice you'll be able to just forget about them - for a short time, anyway.
Our minds keep racing, we find it hard to concentrate, and that is why one of the first things we should learn to do, according to the author of the book, is to focus on our breathing.
This makes a lot of sense because having a focus takes your mind off of the other things that are going on.
Of course focus can be hard to keep, even with practice, so if you find yourself drifting just stop, do what it takes to get the idea out of your head, and then go back to concentrating on your breathing.
It'll happen from time to time, but you'll soon get good at just wiping everything from your mind, and going into this basic meditative state.
Are 8-minutes of breathing meditation going to be enough to give you a boost for the rest of the day? Well, yes, anything that gives you some relaxation time is going to help you to refocus for the rest of the day.
It may not give you the deep state of some techniques, but very few of them can be done in so short a time.
So, clear your mind, concentrate on your breathing, stop and refocus if you get distracted, and you'll be able to slip into a state of relaxation in your busy day.
Even you should be able to find enough time for an 8-minute meditation.
Although it's not exactly a new form of relaxation, it's one that appears to work for most people, and can be performed in a variety of locations.
Have you tried it yet? In this article we're going to have a look at whether an 8-minute meditation is possible, and if it's going to be able to give yourself an extra boost during the day.
Let's start with a quick overview of what meditation is, and what most people hope to achieve from it.
Meditation is a way of putting yourself into an altered state of consciousness.
You focus on one specific thing, and let the rest of life go on around you.
Of course you aren't in a complete trance, so if anything happens that could cause you some harm you'll be able to do something about it.
Although many people see this as a way of reaching some sort of spiritual enlightenment, just as many look on it as a way of shedding some of their daily troubles, even if it's just for a short time, and being able to find an inner calm and relaxation.
In November 2005 a book, written by Victor Davich, was published about how you could do an 8-minute meditation.
For all of the people out there with little time, a lot of stress and nothing more than a passing recognition of what relaxation is, this book sounds like the missing piece of the puzzle.
Is an 8-minute meditation even possible? Well, there's no reason why it shouldn't be possible, but, it may (ironically) take you sometime to achieve to start with.
One of the reasons for that is because most people can't just clear their minds like they'd flick off a light switch.
For the first few times you're going to find it a little difficult to just let go of all of the things happening in your life, even for 8-minutes, but with a little practice you'll be able to just forget about them - for a short time, anyway.
Our minds keep racing, we find it hard to concentrate, and that is why one of the first things we should learn to do, according to the author of the book, is to focus on our breathing.
This makes a lot of sense because having a focus takes your mind off of the other things that are going on.
Of course focus can be hard to keep, even with practice, so if you find yourself drifting just stop, do what it takes to get the idea out of your head, and then go back to concentrating on your breathing.
It'll happen from time to time, but you'll soon get good at just wiping everything from your mind, and going into this basic meditative state.
Are 8-minutes of breathing meditation going to be enough to give you a boost for the rest of the day? Well, yes, anything that gives you some relaxation time is going to help you to refocus for the rest of the day.
It may not give you the deep state of some techniques, but very few of them can be done in so short a time.
So, clear your mind, concentrate on your breathing, stop and refocus if you get distracted, and you'll be able to slip into a state of relaxation in your busy day.
Even you should be able to find enough time for an 8-minute meditation.