Okay, your thoughts center on getting that new home together. It's a happy time. But there are questions. Lots of them. What to buy? How to decorate? Color? Lighting? Space? What about contractors? Landscapers? And that almighty B word - budget.
As a professional designer in the business for more than 20 years, the first and most important tip I can give you is to Assess. Take a good look at what you have, inventory it, make a list of the items you need and want, keeping in mind that clutter kills (more on that later). This will help to prevent overbuying- a nasty and hard-to-kick habit.
Another mandatory is to Research. Don't skimp in this area. Impatience will cost you in the long run. Yes you can get references - but just think: who's going to give you bad ones? A more thorough method is to Google those you want to work with. See what the written word is on the company, the contractor, the designer's background and experience. The honest truth: If you do the grunge work. You'll get the payoff.
There are many things to think about before you take that big step. But this article is focusing primarily on selecting an Interior Designer. It's important for you to become involved in the process. That said, interview. Interview. Interview. Get to know the designer candidates. Choose one with whom you're comfortable. One who will let you share in the design process - selection of paint colors, furniture style, and more. Choose someone who questions you, someone who wants to know about your living habits, your tastes, not someone who talks about theirs.
Steer clear of designers who - through you - design their dream home. After all, you're the one who has to live with that purple bathroom. Balance is key. Let the designer guide you and share their expertise.If you go off on the left edge wanting all those trendy things today that you may be sorry about tomorrow; money and time is wasted and so too will be the joy of coming home to a peaceful, balanced environment.
Next, find out about the designer's billing process. What are the upfront costs? How are payments arranged? Flat fee or hourly? Think about what works best for your situation. Do not sign off on the contract until you fully understand those fine lines.
One last point: Remember that word clutter? Remove it from your life. Take all those itsy, bitsy things that clog your closet or corner and give them away. Come on, admit it, you know they serve no purpose and you're secretly wondering why you bought much of it in the first place. Unclogging is good. It's healthy and will be an asset as you start with a clean slate in your search for the right home and the right Interior Designer.
I've given you some great tips. Don't stumble.
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As a professional designer in the business for more than 20 years, the first and most important tip I can give you is to Assess. Take a good look at what you have, inventory it, make a list of the items you need and want, keeping in mind that clutter kills (more on that later). This will help to prevent overbuying- a nasty and hard-to-kick habit.
Another mandatory is to Research. Don't skimp in this area. Impatience will cost you in the long run. Yes you can get references - but just think: who's going to give you bad ones? A more thorough method is to Google those you want to work with. See what the written word is on the company, the contractor, the designer's background and experience. The honest truth: If you do the grunge work. You'll get the payoff.
There are many things to think about before you take that big step. But this article is focusing primarily on selecting an Interior Designer. It's important for you to become involved in the process. That said, interview. Interview. Interview. Get to know the designer candidates. Choose one with whom you're comfortable. One who will let you share in the design process - selection of paint colors, furniture style, and more. Choose someone who questions you, someone who wants to know about your living habits, your tastes, not someone who talks about theirs.
Steer clear of designers who - through you - design their dream home. After all, you're the one who has to live with that purple bathroom. Balance is key. Let the designer guide you and share their expertise.If you go off on the left edge wanting all those trendy things today that you may be sorry about tomorrow; money and time is wasted and so too will be the joy of coming home to a peaceful, balanced environment.
Next, find out about the designer's billing process. What are the upfront costs? How are payments arranged? Flat fee or hourly? Think about what works best for your situation. Do not sign off on the contract until you fully understand those fine lines.
One last point: Remember that word clutter? Remove it from your life. Take all those itsy, bitsy things that clog your closet or corner and give them away. Come on, admit it, you know they serve no purpose and you're secretly wondering why you bought much of it in the first place. Unclogging is good. It's healthy and will be an asset as you start with a clean slate in your search for the right home and the right Interior Designer.
I've given you some great tips. Don't stumble.
Learn more about Interior Design at our website.
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