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Sarah Jezebel Deva Interview

Sarah Jezebel Deva has been singing and touring with Cradle Of Filth for many years. She recently put together her own band, Angtoria, who released their debut CD God Has A Plan For Us All in 2006. Deva is currently on the road with Cradle Of Filth and was more than willing to answer questions about COF, Angtoria, her musical beginnings and much more.

Chad Bowar: How has the response been to God Has A Plan For Us All in the US and Europe?
Sarah Jezebel Deva: It seems we have sold much more in the USA.

I?m a bit surprised at that to be honest because we were told in the beginning that our music wasn?t for the American market yet we have done so well over here! Seems the guy that said that was wrong and we are glad he was wrong.

Did the response meet your expectations?
We have had a few "OK" reviews; a few below average but still not bad. 95% have been amazing and not what I expected. The album and we as a band have been so well received and it does confuse me a little. Sometimes I think "Well we ain't all that," and then I listen to the album and think, "Wow, it is pretty good for a first album". I just hope more people check us out; I would like to think we are worth it.

Has the experience of fronting your own band been everything you thought it would be?
I've come to realize that no matter what your position in a band, be it full time or session member, there?s still the same old crap. Everyone wants to express him or herself, everyone wants to exercise their dreams without anyone else butting in, and everyone wants instant results.

You?re still fighting for something regardless. Obviously now I'm a frontwoman as well as a backing singer, there is more pressure and more criticisms but I can handle that, you just gotta sort the (crap) from the pile. Don?t let things affect you and remember there is always someone better than you. Ask me again once we have also done our first shows, then I can tell you more about being a frontwoman.

Any chance of an Angtoria tour this year?
I doubt it. Dave and I are too busy with CoF. But maybe we can get some shows in towards the end of the year but we can?t rush it. We can?t do shows for the sake of it, it has to be well planned and the timing right. I think people will expect a lot from us, especially as Dave and I come from CoF. CoF always have some kind of show and are very theatrical but then they have more years behind us and more money. But we still want to give the fans something, something worth watching and hearing.

What?s the timeline for the next Angtoria album?
I think we will start again in the middle of this year; well I'm pushing for that anyway. I don?t think we can afford to wait. There are many new bands out there and we have spent a lot of time and hard work building up this fan base we have, we can?t afford for them to forget us, so we need to get writing again and soon.

Has Angtoria opening for Cradle Of Filth on tour been discussed at all? Would you be willing and/or able to do double duty like that?
It?s been talked about but I think if it happens, it would be too rushed. COF will be very busy this year and I don?t know how we will fit any shows in for Angtoria but if something was sorted out and a solid offer came our way, I'm sure we would do it.

You?re getting ready to kick off the COF US tour. What are your most and least favorite things about the US?
Not a fan of the junk food. Everywhere you look there are burgers and lard jumping out at you. Not good for me! Other than that, I love the USA. People are very friendly and of course it?s always nice to be in a country that speaks English, so it?s easier to get around.

What have been the high and low points in your dozen years singing with Cradle Of Filth?
That?s something that I can?t really go into without having to lie. High points? Midian and Vempire. Finally getting my face on a CoF shirt (The latest tour shirt), finally getting more acknowledgement for what I've done over the years. Low points? Not getting any acknowledgement for anything I've done. I mean, I'm a backing singer! I?ve worked my arse off, written my own melodies, produced my ideas and it just gets overlooked. Press have never recognized me as a real singer until now, things are finally starting to change. Past members have made life less than easy also, but eventually you grow up and you realize the world owes you nothing, you owe the world. What doesn?t kill you can only make you stronger. You see how you get treated and turn it around and learn from it.

What?s something about Dani Filth that people would be surprised to know?
He protects trees and he will never harm a living animal, only people.

What's the strangest item in your tour rider?
Nothing strange at all but Dani was ill for a while and had to change his diet, so the rider was taken up with hippy food. Nuts, rice crackers and other things that taste like toilet paper. The Soya stuff is good though.

What are the largest and smallest crowds you've played in front of?
With CoF, I remember in ?97 on the Dusk and Her Embrace tour it was 80 people in Denmark. Largest? Dynamo 99 was something like 100,000 but I doubt they were all watching us!

What was the first concert you attended as a fan?
Ugly Kid Joe and The Screaming Jets, The Island, Alford, Essex, must have been ?94 or something.
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