Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

Wills and Estate Law-BK Law,Mississauga

Wills & Estate Law:

A will is a statement which is a legal declaration where an individual proclaims a person to oversee and to control his/her personal and real property that he actually owned by the time of death. Any individual over the age of a major and having a sound mind can outline a will with or without the assistance of a lawyer.

An Estate is defined as the sum total of all the assets including the real estates and personal estates this may include a real land or houses or any other personal property where benefits can be attained.

Things to be concerned:

(i)The grantor should be distinctly identified before making up a will. This is called as publication of the will.

(ii) The grantor should invalidate all the previous agreements and wills where a small mistake in this step may result in the disapprovement of the will by the legal authorities at the concerned levels.

(iii) The grantor should signify that he has potential to distribute or orient his property.

(iv) Signing an indication of the date and time of writing is must in the presence of at least two non devisee individuals.

(v) If the witnesses are identified as the receivers of the property, A trustee is an individual who manages and takes care of the real and personal properties where a beneficiary or a receiver is a person who takes the profits or benefits of the real properties.
(vi) this may have an impact in either invalidating of the will or cancellation of the witnesses names from the witness list.

(vii) The grantor or testator's signature should be present at the end of the will since any statements/declarations present below the signature are being invalidated by the authority.

Any simple and small mistake in any one of these steps may lead to the handling of the entire property and estates to the person who is actually in-eligible for the rights to be taken from the actual owner of the properties and estates.

The Probate Process:

This is the process where the validation of the will is done under the supervision or presence of a lawyer and other authorities in a court. After the demise of the person the will has to be filed in the concerned courts for the process of the probate.This may effect few statements of the will sometimes.

The probate period decides the final acts after the filing of the will in the court.
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