Business & Finance Social Media

MLM Lead Generation - 5 Simple Ways to Prospect Online Using the 2nd Largest Social Network Site

Facebook is the Internet's 2nd largest social network site according to Alexa, and therefore, utilizing this free engine for generating significant leads is extremely possible.
This article will reveal to you several quick ways to expand your FB network and open doors to building relationships with other network marketers.
As you apply these steps diligently, you'll see your leads increase approximately 10-15 a day, generating 50-100 leads per week.
Exciting, right?!? 1.
Adding Friends There are two ways to target people in adding friends to your network.
You can type in the interest using your Search tab (i.
MLM), which will extract people and groups in this category allowing you to go through the members of various MLM groups and add friends (option 1).
Or, you can type in gurus in your industry (i.
Mike Dillard, Daegan Smith, Dani Johnson), join his/her fan page, and add friends there.
Adding a personal message is recommended, using their name and a short statement such as "I see you're also into network marketing, so am I! Lets connect.
" My personal favorite is commenting on their picture.
This really personalizes the connection and you're already standing out from the crowd.
Do not include your website.
Your first priority should be to build relationships with your friends, consequently, building trust.
You want to add about 30 new people a day.
Introduce Yourself Take the time to connect with your new friends (or even seasoned ones) in your Inbox.
Share some information about yourself (how long you been in network marketing, your goals, vision, etc) and ask for the same.
Those who respond are more interested in meeting you, networking, and seeing what you have to offer.
Now that's quality! Now you turn your leads into prospects once they've had the opportunity to see how you're the solution to their problem (this is how you find out by the way).
Befriend about 15 a day and watch how your friends follow you in other ventures.
Starting Your Own Group Here is where you can effectively build your list! Take a look at other groups and keywords to get an idea for your own.
Or use your brand name to give it originality and creativity (recommended).
Ask yourself, "what is the purpose of my group? In what ways do I want my members to benefit for joining?" Once you've created your group, you can invite people to join.
Invite no more than 50 at a time using a personal message.
Adding and inviting friends takes about 20-40 minutes a day and with consistency, you will being to generate at least 10-20 leads a day.
Broadcast Emails & Post Videos The power is in the list and you're building your own from your group! As the creator of your group, you have the ability to send inbox messages to your members.
Don't abuse or overwhelm your audience.
Broadcasting every other day works.
Your messages can range from hot topics such as effective marketing, recruiting, generating free leads, etc.
Nothing pitchy and no selling your opportunity! Increase your value to your members from the knowledge you've gained in the industry.
Appealing and captivating subject heads are a must if you want your message read.
Uploading videos on your (or any other) groups' wall is simple and useful as members visit wall posts regularly.
You are continuously making a bond which builds trust and drives people to seek you and your knowledge.
Wall Posts on Groups & Friends Walls In your Wall Posts, create curiosity and intrigue.
Statements that are short and to the point are perfect.
Posting on your friends walls cultivates the relationships you are building.
You can comment on their profile or recent wall posts, share YouTube links, or talk about a system.
The powerful thing here is that with posting on friends walls, their friends see your post, therefore, making a greater connection.
You are building your presence on Facebook so keep friends looking at your profile via your wall posts.
Make them valuable, inspiring, and fun to read.
With consistency, you will produce quality prospects, ultimately building your business from this free marketing strategy.
Happy Socializing!
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