Health & Medical Anxiety

The Relationship of Panic Attacks and Depression

How can panic attacks and depression be related when one is frenzied and the other supposedly felt when one is down in the pits? When you have a panic attack, you feel overexcited to the point of being irrational and actively disturbed.
Your mind may be screaming possible sources of fear at you.
On the other hand, depression should make you feel so down in the dumps that you tend to overanalyze everything - for the worse.
The Energy Levels Panic attacks and depression are related in terms of energy levels, though not necessarily because the levels are the same.
Both disorders, however, show abnormal energy levels.
Those experiencing panic attacks have abnormally high energy levels that they cannot control.
They experience breathlessness, anxiety and rapid heartbeats.
On the other hand, those with depression experience very low energy levels.
They want to be left alone and would rather mope about their problems.
Panic attacks and depression do connect in the sense that those with normally lower energy levels get anxious when exposed to stressful situations.
Mood Disorders Both panic attacks and depression are forms of mood disorders.
Whereas those experiencing high anxiety are constantly agitated, those going through depression are most of the times at an all-time-low.
Still, both are not only diseases but also symptoms that there is something very wrong with the person experiencing either or both of them.
The Suicide Link Anxiety attacks and depression in one person is a lethal combination.
Though depression is more often associated with suicides, most of those who do commit suicide have some form of anxiety as well.
The suicide link is proof of how dangerous either mood disorder can be and how life-threatening the combination really is.
Depressed patients with anxiety disorders have more trouble getting better, and so are closer to suicide.
The medications for the two conditions may also clash or combine lethally, as well.
Misconceptions According to some studies, depression is not really a low energy state after all.
Other researches actually hail depression as the quiet fury.
Instead of acting upon an inner violence, a depressed person pulls every emotion in and lets every drop fester inside.
Depressed people actually have a lot of mental and emotional activity going on inside of them, to the point that they dream more than normal people.
Panic attack disorders, on the other hand, are supposedly high energy disorders.
This may be true, physically.
However, a lot of anxious people are that way because they prefer fretting about things instead of acting on them.
So, depression and anxiety could be linked in the sense that the activity is more of an inward thing.
With the person experiencing anxiety attacks, he cannot even control the physical manifestations of his worries but his mind has a lot going on.
Stressful lifestyles can result to a lot of anxiety.
These same stressful lifestyles can also result to depression.
Each person has a different way of coping, so, the reactions can also be different.
Those who may have a lot to handle may experience a combination of anxiety and depression.
This combination is lethal and should be treated by a therapist.
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