Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

Common Math Problems for Young Students


    • Young children first need to master the skill of counting one-by-one. Have them write the numbers down so they can visually recognize the numbers as well. You can use the classroom or any environment to have students count physical things. Try using candy, paperclips, rocks or any other simple objects. Playing board games that involve counting is educational, fun and entertaining.

    Whole Numbers

    • Have young students either say or write whole numbers (count by 2s, 3s or 10s). It can be difficult for some children to count out loud and they may skip numbers or name them out of order. Start by seeing how high they can count and add on more once they have mastered the sequence.

    Adding and Subtracting Numbers

    • Young students can learn to add numbers even before they learn the proper way to write an addition equation. Introduce addition and subtraction by using objects to represent the equation. For example, give the student five sugar cubes. Ask the student how many sugar cubes he would have if you gave him two more. If the child needs a visual, set two more cubes in front of him. Do the same with subtraction by taking away sugar cubes. To start familiarizing students visually with equation formats, explain the math symbols (+,-,=) and write the math equation on the chalkboard (5+2=7).


    • Young students first need to be taught how to read fractions. They need to know they say the top number first and then the bottom number. Young students also need to know how to say numbers in fractions, for instance, saying "fifths" instead of "five." The first fraction problem a student usually sees is one of division where a cookie or pie is broken in half or thirds and explained as a fraction. Using pie, cookie or pizza comparisons will help a student understand the concept of fractions.

    Place Value

    • When teaching place value use visuals so the students learn the "how and why." Many students will be able to learn this concept without being able to explain the "why." Using place value mats or building blocks can be useful in representing place value concepts. Give the students a number of blocks and then ask them to break them down into different combinations. A student could break down 23 blocks into two sets of 10 and three sets of 1.

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