- 1). Review the TCG game rules. A player must know how many of each cards he can have as well as deck size minimums and maximums. By reviewing the rules and checking for banned or restricted cards, he can make a legal play deck.
- 2). Decide on the deck strategy to use. Most trading card games have core strategies that allow for the types of decks. After a player decides what type of deck she is going to build, she can decide on the cards she needs.
- 3). Go through your card collection. Many TCG players collect a large amount of cards for their favorite card game and many more cards than will ever be used in a deck that they build. A player should comb through his card collection to find out what cards he has and what cards he will need to obtain through buying or trading with other players. Occasionally a card can be substituted for another card that serves the same purpose.
- 4). Acquire the other needed cards/make substitutions. If a player's collection already contained all the cards she needed, she may skip this step. Otherwise, she should find other players and see if they have the cards she needs to complete her deck. Gaming stores and online retailers can help a player gather the harder-to-find or rarer cards that may be key to the strategy of her deck.
- 5). Play-test the deck. Now it is time to see if the strategy you planned will work as intended. If the deck runs smoothly, no modifications may be needed. If the deck does not play well, it may be time to fine-tune the deck or try a different strategy entirely.
- 6). Fine-tune the TCG deck. A player who does a little research or asks on Internet forums may find out about other similar decks players have tried and what can be done to make the strategy work better. Fine-tuning a TCG deck can be a long and difficult process as well as an ongoing one.