You graduated from beauty school.
The so-called experts tell you "do good hair and treat people good and your business will grow".
So you do! Every thing starts out OK, but then your business grows STAGNANT.
There seems to be more month left at the end of the money! You've hit a wall! What the heck happened? I did what they told me to do.
Now I'm in debt up to my eyeballs and I don't know how to get out! I hear this story over and over.
The first question I ask salon owners is "what are you currently doing to get new top paying clients in the door?" They all tell me they're advertising in the local paper or the yellow pages, trying to get new clients.
My next question is.
"Is it working?' The answer I get most frequently is "I'm not sure" or "a little".
Here is part of the problem: As small business owners we better know if the money were spending on advertising is generating new business.
BECAUSE, we don't have a lot of money to spend! But, before we spend money on getting new top quality clients into our Salon or Spas...
we better make sure that we can keep a HIGH percentage of them coming back, month after month.
How do we do this...
we raise the perceived value of their visit to your salon or spa.
We give them a "Disney experience" rather than a "Bowling ally" experience.
This along with positioning your salon in the local market to appeal to your target client will multiply any and all advertising you do! Did you know there are only three ways to make your business grow? 1.
Increase the number of visit's a client makes to your salon.
Increase the amount of money each client spends per visit at your salon.
Get more new clients into your salon.
Salons and Spas that are focusing on these three things are growing leaps and bounds ahead of the competition.
If you're not focusing on all three, your business is either stagnant or about to be or even worse LOOSING revenue! And you might be in trouble and need help.
You can no longer rely on "word of mouth" to make your business grow.
If you do, you will fall into the same debt trap many salon and spa owners have already fallen into.
You have to pro-active and learn how to not only survive but also thrive in today's competitive beauty industry!
The so-called experts tell you "do good hair and treat people good and your business will grow".
So you do! Every thing starts out OK, but then your business grows STAGNANT.
There seems to be more month left at the end of the money! You've hit a wall! What the heck happened? I did what they told me to do.
Now I'm in debt up to my eyeballs and I don't know how to get out! I hear this story over and over.
The first question I ask salon owners is "what are you currently doing to get new top paying clients in the door?" They all tell me they're advertising in the local paper or the yellow pages, trying to get new clients.
My next question is.
"Is it working?' The answer I get most frequently is "I'm not sure" or "a little".
Here is part of the problem: As small business owners we better know if the money were spending on advertising is generating new business.
BECAUSE, we don't have a lot of money to spend! But, before we spend money on getting new top quality clients into our Salon or Spas...
we better make sure that we can keep a HIGH percentage of them coming back, month after month.
How do we do this...
we raise the perceived value of their visit to your salon or spa.
We give them a "Disney experience" rather than a "Bowling ally" experience.
This along with positioning your salon in the local market to appeal to your target client will multiply any and all advertising you do! Did you know there are only three ways to make your business grow? 1.
Increase the number of visit's a client makes to your salon.
Increase the amount of money each client spends per visit at your salon.
Get more new clients into your salon.
Salons and Spas that are focusing on these three things are growing leaps and bounds ahead of the competition.
If you're not focusing on all three, your business is either stagnant or about to be or even worse LOOSING revenue! And you might be in trouble and need help.
You can no longer rely on "word of mouth" to make your business grow.
If you do, you will fall into the same debt trap many salon and spa owners have already fallen into.
You have to pro-active and learn how to not only survive but also thrive in today's competitive beauty industry!