Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Maintaining good health using ancient Indian methods

Modern day living has provided us with many conveniences such as transportation ease, communication speed, ease at home and so on. However, all of these conveniences have also brought along with them a high stress level. People put in longer hours at work, eat unhealthy foods and generally maintain a sedentary life style. This combination of poor eating habits and unhealthy life style leads to several diseases of the human body and loss of several important bodily functions. In spite of all of the advances in medical research and technology that has resulted in many advanced medicinal drugs, people still seem to be living below par when it comes to energy, health and vitality.

The ancient Indian methods come in handy in addressing many of these problems and it comes at a fraction of the cost of modern medicine. First one has to consume nutritious diets that are low in cholesterol and fat. Eating plenty of green leafy vegetables and consuming plenty of fruits is the best combination of foods for the human body. One should stay away as much as possible from red meats and fat laden meats. Next performing yoga and meditation are known to reduce the stress levels both in body and mind. Taking the time to calm down and sit quietly for a few minutes a day can create wonders for the human body. Ample exercise is needed for the body to keep the blood flowing normally and keeping the muscles in good shape. Such exercise does not need to be strenuous or time consuming. A simple regimen of brisk walking for a few minutes every day can do miracles for the body. Proper breathing techniques is another simple method by which stress can be reduced. Take deep breaths instead of shallow ones and the body will end up getting its proper supply of oxygen that is needed by the cells to function properly. And finally staying away from toxins such as smoking and excess alcohol consumption are a must to enable the proper functioning of the various organs in the body. These are the simple methods used by the ancient Indians to maintain good health and these methods are as valid today as they were thousands of years ago.
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