Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

How to Make a Frame for a Solar Heater for a Swimming Pool

    Prepare to build your solar pool-heating system frame

    • 1). Learn the parts required for a solar pool-heating system in order to ensure that you are building your system correctly. Solar pool-heater parts include: solar-collector panels, through which the pool water circulates; a flow-control valve --- an automatic or manual device that diverts pool water through the solar collector; a pump to circulate water through the collector and back to the pool; and a filter to remove debris.

    • 2). Develop your customized building plan. The frame should be custom-built to suit your solar pool heater needs, therefore, no two solar pool-heating frames will be the same size. The rule of thumb is that your solar collector should be 50 to 100 percent as large in diameter as the surface area of your pool. For example, a 15-foot x 30-foot pool has a total square footage of 450 feet. Therefore, the solar collector should occupy between 225 and 450 square feet.

    • 3). Gather together the components that will be framed and assembled. The tubing should be coiled and ready to use, along with the aluminum sheeting and protective Plexiglas.

    Assemble the solar pool-heating system frame

    • 1). Assemble the water-delivery system according to the instructions on the kit (if applicable). In general, you'll need to use pipes or tubing to create an out-flow of water either from the pool or from a water source. If connecting the out-flow from the pool, rather than a hose or existing water source with a pump, install a water pump to enable water to move from the pool into the collector.

    • 2). Paint the wood, tubing, and aluminum sheeting black.

    • 3). Nail the 2-inch x 4-inch pieces of wood together at right angles to create a frame, scaled for the size of your pool, and attach the aluminum to the base of the frame to reflect heat into the coiled tubing.

    • 4). Arrange the coiled tubing within the frame, on top of the aluminum sheeting, and in the configuration of your choice. The coiled tubing can be as basic as a simple garden hose.

    Complete the installation of the swimming pool solar heater

    • 1). Place the heater in a location that will allow the collector to soak up sun. Many people place their pool heaters on roofs near the pool or in a flat area of a nearby yard.

    • 2). Connect the framed solar-connector unit to the pool, using the water out-flow piping and valves. The water should flow directly out of the solar collector and into the pool to minimize heat loss during transport.

    • 3). Seal the frame with the Plexiglas using nails or screws. The Plexiglas layer will protect the heater from wind chill and help to keep the heat from the sunlight from escaping from the frame.

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