Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Long Labor but Worth It

Updated March 05, 2015.

The birth of my first child was definitely not what I had expected it to be. I had heard so many stories of what would happen. Whoever, no one could have prepared me for this.

I had to due dates, March 28th and April 2nd. On March 29th, I started having contractions at about 10:00 AM. I took a hot bath and they seemed to stop. Once I got out of the bath, low and behold, they started again. I told my mom that I thought I was having contractions, but I wanted to wait as long as possible to go to the hospital.

She made me rush in there anyway. This was her first grandchild and she, "wasn't taking any chances". So we went to the hospital at 6:30 PM and I was only two and a half centimeters and 80% effaced. So I went home. I was given a pill and told to sleep. When I woke, I would either be in full-blown labor or nothing at all.

When I woke, we went to the hospital at 11:30 PM. My contractions had been five minutes apart for twelve hours. When they checked me, I was three and a half centimeters. So they told me to walk. Not something that someone who is nine months pregnant and in horrible pain wants to hear. I walked and two hours later, to my disbelief, I was still three and a half centimeters. I was given something intravenously to help me sleep at 3:30 AM, March 30th. A nurse woke me up at 5:45 AM to take some blood and give me an epidural. At 8:00 AM, the doctor broke my water (I was still three and a half centimeters. So they gave me something to speed up labor and delivery. At 10:00 AM, I was fully dilated and effaced.

I was also running a 102.6 degree fever. I started pushing at 10:45 AM, between sips of grape juice and wet towels. I ran a fever throughout the pushing. During this, they also shut my epidural off, for fear of complications due to my fever. The doctor walked in! Time to catch the baby, much to late for an episiotomy.

On March 30, at 11:25 AM, twenty-five and a half hours after the labor began, I delivered a six pound, twelve ounce, beautiful baby boy. At that moment, despite all the pain and fever and time, I thought of nothing else except this little, helpless child, that I would spend the rest of my life loving and protecting.

He is three months old today and he never ceases to amaze me. Thank God for little children, so innocent and sweet and perfect. And forgiving, no matter what we parents do wrong.

- Crybaby
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