Society & Culture & Entertainment Society & Culture Misc

The Future Of Humankind

Unfortunately, looking at the world today, the outcome for us as a species is not looking good.
We are called humankind for a reason, because we are all alike.
We should be working together to solve our problems rather than fighting them out with our neighbours or enemies.
Recent events on the TV have made the world open their eyes to the atrocities that are being caused.
The deaths in Paris, School children massacred in Pakistan and these are just the recent ones.
Going back through our history, it has been full of colour, but all for the wrong reasons.
I can completely understand people's varying views, and the need for action or confrontation based on a given event, but surely there are better ways of solving our problems.
Look at what we have achieved in our history.
We are innovators, inventors, we strive to make the impossible possible and collectively we are a force to be reckoned with.
The way the world is at the moment however, I do not see a way back for certain situations.
Both sides showing force with a strong opinion about not backing down.
What will this achieve? Whichever side wins there will always be opposition and an uprising.
It is difficult to pigeon hole the world's problems because they vary in cause but could you imagine a world that works together? Could you imagine Russia, The United States of America, Chine and the EU all getting together to iron out problems and come up with solutions? Unfortunately in my eyes there is only one way that will unite the world and that is when we all face extinction.
Until then I think everyone will keep vying for power, territory and money.
The time will come when everyone has to unite to save ourselves and maybe then people will come together.
Even in towns now the feeling of working together has gone.
I walk through my local town and it looks like it's every man for himself, everyone focused on what they have to do and caring less and less about the people around them.
Unfortunately I also fall under this category.
I will think nothing less of putting in my earphone and drowning out the world with my favourite music rather than listening to other people's pointless conversations.
I do however still behave like a gentleman, I open doors for people, I smile and be polite and I am always courteous.
Some days now I even welcome listening to a little conversation and as I'm getting older I sometimes find myself included in such conversations.
The world will not change overnight, we have to make the small changes and they will grow and combine and make bigger changes.
Start from home, start each day positive, make a little eye contact and give a little smile - you might just get one back!
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