Even if your business is predominantly off line, an online presence can greatly enhance your profits.
Options for getting an online presence include:
You can decide how your blog should look, how formal you want the tone to be, what graphics to include and how often you post new information on it.
Creating a blog has the following advantages
Options for getting an online presence include:
- Build a website
- Create a blog
You can decide how your blog should look, how formal you want the tone to be, what graphics to include and how often you post new information on it.
Creating a blog has the following advantages
- You can update your blog at anytime.
If there is any news you wish to share with the world about your business, you can do it via your blog quickly and easily - Blogging is easy.
There is no need to learn HTML or coding or all the mumbo jumbo of website building.
Writing a blog is as easy as typing a word document - Blogging allows you to present an informal angle to your business.
Your blog visitors will get a feel of your personality through your posts - Your blog announces your business to the world.
Once indexed by the search engines, you blog will be available to the world to view.
Think about the reputation that this gives your business.
And the opportunities presented to get new customers for your business. - Your blog continues to act as a representative of your business whether you are awake or asleep.
Your blog, as long as you maintain it, is up and available to view 24 hours a day.
- This is the display window that your business presents to the world.
You must be clear and concrete in your posts.
If your posts are not well thought out and informative, the impression you leave with your blogs visitors is that your business is below par - You must be clear before writing each post.
What is the crucial point you are trying to make with this post, what message do you want your audience to take away from the post and in what way will the post enhance your business? Do not get sidetracked in your post or go off on a ramble.
Decide what the point of your post is, and stick to it. - You must have a way of capturing the emails of your blog visitors.
You can use a simple autoresponder for this.
Offer them a free report on some aspect of your business in exchange for their email addresses.
That way you can e mail them from time to time and keep your business alive in their minds