When your kids go back to school do you make sure that they are booked in for the school meals service? The good thing about the school meals is that normally your kids will have a choice of two meals to choose from, and so, if they are not too keen on one of the meals, at least thy have another option to choose from, another good thing about the school meals is that you do not have to make them a packed meal in the mornings, this can be extremely helpful if you are in a rush in the mornings.
There are always helpful staff members on hand at lunchtime to ensure that your child at least gets one main meal of the day and not just the pudding that follows.
Most of the schools now monitor what sort of meals your kids will be eating everyday.
Although a packed lunch will ensure that you know exactly what your kids are eating, the school meals will free up some spare time for you in the mornings, even though they may be a little more expensive than a packed lunch.
If money is a little tight then perhaps you could give your kids a packed lunch but send them to school with a little money to buy fresh juice or milk, alternatively send them with a carton of milk or juice with their packed lunch.
Another option would be to alternate the lunches, if you knew what the school lunch was on a certain day, and you know that your child is not keen on that certain meal or choice of meals, then you could send them to school with a packed lunch for that day, alternating from packed lunch to school meals can make their lunchtime more varied and fun.
There are no correct methods to school meal times it is just a matter of personal choice.
There are always helpful staff members on hand at lunchtime to ensure that your child at least gets one main meal of the day and not just the pudding that follows.
Most of the schools now monitor what sort of meals your kids will be eating everyday.
Although a packed lunch will ensure that you know exactly what your kids are eating, the school meals will free up some spare time for you in the mornings, even though they may be a little more expensive than a packed lunch.
If money is a little tight then perhaps you could give your kids a packed lunch but send them to school with a little money to buy fresh juice or milk, alternatively send them with a carton of milk or juice with their packed lunch.
Another option would be to alternate the lunches, if you knew what the school lunch was on a certain day, and you know that your child is not keen on that certain meal or choice of meals, then you could send them to school with a packed lunch for that day, alternating from packed lunch to school meals can make their lunchtime more varied and fun.
There are no correct methods to school meal times it is just a matter of personal choice.