- The pool skimmer goes into the pool wall, which is cut to the size of the skimmer, and installed near the top of the water. Inside the skimmer is a basket that captures large pieces of dirt and debris that can clog the filter and affect the water circulation. You should check this basket daily for the same reasons. If there are too many leaves inside the skimmer it will block water entering the filter. The skimmer must provide a means for the water to enter the filter through a pool hose that connects the two.
- The sand filter is a system that uses silica sand as a filtering agent for your water. It can filter particles of dirt as small as 20 microns in size. It's construction includes a filter tank filled with the sand that the water passes through. The filter's sand lies inside a series of laterals that allow the water to pass through while preventing the sand from entering the water. Maintenance of a sand filter is straightforward through the process of backwashing, where you flush the dirt from the sand and you need to do it about once month. The sand inside the filter can go more than seven years before it needs replacing.
- The diatomaceous earth filters, also known as DE filters, are the most efficient type on the market. This filter system can filter dirt and debris as small as three microns. The small particles of dirt that pass through other filters can give the water a cloudy appearance. With increased efficiency comes increased maintenance responsibilities.
The DE filter needs DE powder added to the filter through the skimmer every time it's backwashed. Like the sand filter, it needs backwashing about once per month but with a DE filter you must add the powder.The DE powder attaches itself to porous filter grids inside the tank which provide the filtering ability for this system. - Some pool owners like cartridge filters because of their ease of use, cleaning and maintenance. The cartridge filter is often a tall, canister-looking tank that houses the filter cartridge, which appears similar in nature to the air filters installed on automobiles. The pleated cartridge is made from a porous polyester material capable of trapping dirt and debris as small as 25 microns. This filter does not need backwashing. To clean a cartridge filter, you open the filter tank, remove the cartridge and just hose it off clean. The filter cartridges can go as long as five years before needing replacement.
Sand Filter
Diatomaceous Earth
Cartridge Filter