Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Your Golden Retriever Male - How To Be The Friend He Needs To Be Happy

When it comes to training your Golden Retriever you may be told that it makes no difference whether he is male or female.
Most people believe training requirements to be independent of a dog's gender.
This common believe is not supported by the facts.
A male dog's behavior and developmentis strongly influenced by testosterone while the behavior and development of a bitch is influenced by estrogene.
Testosterone masculinized your male Golden's brain long before he was born and it is thus that he knows how to behave as a male.
In order to keep your Golden Retriever Dog happy you need to give him a very clear setting.
He is a very quick and eager learner who is willing to please his master, but being a boy his master needs to be respectable.
This means that he needs to understand that you are indeed a very wise leader who walks his talk.
Remember that male dogs tend to be very interested in rank because the higher the rank of an individual the better were his chances of being allowed to pass on his genes.
This is why your Golden may engage in a certain kind of "showing off" behavior when he meets up with other males.
By lifting his tail as high as possible and walking around on stiff legs he tries to impress the possible rival.
He wants to look as daunting as possible, hoping to make the opponent leave the field.
When meeting up with other males it is very important that you do not rebuke your dog openly because this will humiliate him in his eyes as well as in the eyes of the other male which in turn might lead the other one to attack your boy.
Golden Retrievers can be extremely charming and because of that one is easily tempted to forget that they are dogs.
Especially the males of the breed need a loving but firm hand at times.
Your boy needs to understand that he must obey your commands whether he wants to or not.
After all, he is a big dog no matter how nice and sweet his temperament.
If you allow him to sit on the sofa or sleep in your bed, make sure he knows that he needs to leave the privileged place whenever you want him to.
Never allow him to push himself in between you and your partner.
When it comes to humans showing each other their affection for each other a dog must stay away.
Otherwise the male dog may become over possessive and try to chase the man away.
If your Golden boy shows any tendency to interfere in such situations, firmly tell him no! and send him away.
Should he not get the message and try again, take him to his basket and make him stay.
I know of many couples who complain about the possessiveness of their male dog.
From your dog's point of view this is quite natural and the less he respects you the more he will try.
To sum up: Even so your Golden Retriever is a very sweet and biddable chap, he is still a male dog.
He will try to please himself once in a while and not do what you ask of him.
Those are the moments to make him do what you want him to do.
Do this in a very friendly, non threatening but strict way.
He will love you even more for being a just and predictable leader.
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