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Easy Shed Series Cupola Installation Steps for Starters

Shed series cupolas are designed primarily for making outdoor sheds even more appealing, allowing its surrounding space to also streamline its look and value.
Nevertheless, the use of shed series cupolas doesn't stop there; they're also used to allow the inner workings of the sheds to be naturally lighted and to have a balanced atmosphere compared to its outside environment.
A shed series cupola is measured on its base width; normally cupolas of this sort are available at 16", 21", 25" and 30".
To pick the appropriate size for your shed's cupola, there is a general rule that you can follow.
It is said that for every unbroken ridge line on your roof, you are allowed a minimum of 1.
25" for every foot that is covered.
Hence, if you're entire roof measures 24-feet, it is most ideal to go get a cupola that is at 30" in base size.
Determining the Roof Pitch.
You must start the entire process by measuring the pitching of your roof.
Due to the roof's pitched design, you will need to cut the base of the cupola for it to be able to adequately stand on it.
Industry standard has it that shed series cupolas come naturally to accommodate a 7/12 roof pitch.
If yours exceeded, it is recommended that you ask or order the extended base for the cupola.
The best way to determine your shed roof's pitch is to take two elongated parallel board strips and nail them at one point so they pivot.
Accurately straddle the board strips onto the roof with the pivot directly on top of the roof's apex.
Using a pencil, mark the board where the board strips angle so you can recreate the roof's pitch later on.
Establishing the Cupola Base.
On a cardboard, create a centerline.
Making the centerline as your basis for the center ridge of the roof, recreate the roof pitch by spreading the board strips up to where the angle mark you created on the strips indicates.
Trace the strips starting from the center line to the corners of the cardboard.
After which, you can cut the cardboard starting from the corner of one side then to the center.
Repeat cutting procedure for the other side.
Now, you have a hollow triangular template to cut your cupola bases from.
Preparing the Roof.
On this step, you have to think whether your shed series cupola is merely decorative or a functional ventilation and light source.
If you're thinking of making it as just an ornament, you can just simply proceed to cutting up one side of the base using your cardboard template as your tracer for your roof's pitch.
Switch to the opposite side and cut it using the cardboard template again.
These cut up sides will allow for the cupola to fit snugly to your roof pitch.
On the other hand, if you're thinking about making the cupola as functional as possible, you can start by creating an opening on the shed roof where you intend to place the cupola.
Make sure to have minimum 6-inch insurance on the inside of the perimeter of the cupola.
Do not cut the roof ridge and rafts; just the sheathing and shingles.
Positioning of the Cupola Base.
Don't assemble the cupola yet.
Remove the top section (cupola roof) and the mid section of the cupola first.
Just work with the base for now.
Create four pieces of 2x4's as fasteners for the cupola base on all sides from the inside.
Screw the 2x4's in place.
Make sure that when you position the base on the spot where the 2x4's are, the cupola base must fit as snugly as possible to the pieces.
Mounting and Installing the Cupola.
Put the base in position with the 2x4's in the inside.
Once you've secured the base to the shed roof, use silicone caulk to keep the cupola base fixed firmly in place and to prevent water from leaking in to it.
If you've created a hole into the roof, use flashing to prevent leaks to the inside of the cupola.
Once the base is secured, you can start assembling the cupola by screwing its midsection and top section to the pre-drilled holes.
Use the silicone caulk on the exposed screw heads to prevent leaking.
Installing your shed series is fairly easy.
All it takes is some common sense and the right tools to get things going and done.
If you're the type who's apprehensive about such work, hiring a professional or the manufacturer to do the installation for you would be wise.
Installation mishaps don't equate to viability for product warranty unless the manufacturer installed the cupola themselves.
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