- 1). Clean the uniform as soon after the game as possible. The longer stains remain on the fabric, the harder they will be to remove. If allowed to sit long enough, an otherwise removable stain may become permanent.
- 2). Shake the uniform off, and then beat it against a railing or other smooth clean surface to remove any stubborn dirt. Brush off the uniform if it still has dried dirt, grass or other debris on it. This should be done outside.
- 3). Rinse any portions of the uniform that are stained under cold running water.
- 4). Apply dishwashing liquid directly to the stains.
- 5). Scrub the stains with a toothbrush while holding the uniform under cold running water. Use a gentle circular scrubbing motion.
- 6). Spray remaining stains with a laundry stain remover and allow it to sit for five minutes.
- 7). Wash the uniform in hot water with your regular laundry detergent if no stains remain on it. If the uniform still has light stains, use cold water. For stubborn stains, use cold water and replace the laundry detergent with dishwashing detergent.