- 1). Cut up old towels, fleece or rug and carpet remnants into 2- or 3-inch pieces if you've chosen these materials to fill your target with. Heavy fabrics and plastic bags are good choices for fill materials because they won't damage arrows shot into them.
- 2). Open the burlap sack and begin stuffing it with filler materials. Pack the filler tightly so that arrows shot into the sack won't poke out the backside of the finished target. Fill the sack to about 4 to 6 inches from the top. You'll need that unused material to seal the sack.
- 3). Use an awl or ice pick to poke holes all the way around the opening of the sack once you're through filling it. Make the holes about an inch or two apart and large enough to run 1/8-inch nylon cord through.
- 4). Create a drawstring closure by threading the nylon cording through the holes of the sack, like lacing your shoes.
- 5). Pull the nylon cord drawstring tight and tie a knot in it to secure it. Hang your target from a tree or fence post.