- 1). Purchase a preformed pond liner in the size of your choosing. The easiest kind to install will have overlapping edges. This will save adding decorative stones to the top edges of your pond later. Once you add plants, you may want to add more stones and rocks to the final pond.
- 2). Mark the circumference by tracing the pond with a stick, with the preformed liner in the place that the pond will go. Be sure the location can be seen and is in a safe location.
- 3). Dig a hole slightly larger than the size of the pond liner. Try to make the hole as close to the shape of the pond liner as possible.
- 4). Make sure the pond is level by measuring with a board across the pond, using a level on the top.
- 5). Fill in around the pond with soil so that the liner fits securely in the ground.
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You may want to put a viewing bench near your pond.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Fill the pond with water using a garden hose. Recheck the level of the pond while it is only one quarter full of water. - 1). Fill with lily pads and other water-friendly plants.
- 2). Surround your pond with plants outside of the water for a more natural look.
- 3). Add stones and rocks surrounding the pond for a rustic look.
Installing a Garden Pond
Adding Decorative Plants