Nicole comes outside the pub and flashes back to Daniel telling her she’s pregnant. We then see a 2002 flashback to Dr. Colin Murphy telling Victor that it would be unlikely, if not impossible, for Nicole to conceive a child by natural means. “But I have conceived.... with the man I love,” she realizes. Nicole feels her abdomen and smiles how miracles just may be happening for her.
Maggie greets E.J.
at Chez Rouge, where they briefly discuss Caroline’s arrest. E.J. asks if Mr. Davidson has arrived yet, lamenting that he cancelled his zoo outing with Johnny in order to meet the gentleman. Maggie says not yet, so E.J. sits down with Philip. “You can tell Victor that he doesn’t have a prayer,” forewarns E.J., affirming that his client has no intention of giving up her settlement. Philip believes Nicole isn’t entitled to squat, since she was never legally married to Victor. E.J. states that Nicole was the victim of a deception and had no idea that her first marriage was legally dissolved. Philip says it’s not his father’s problem. E.J. points out that Nicole married Victor in good faith and they lived as husband and wife under the same roof until Victor decided to cast her aside. Philip warns that nobody crosses Victor Kiriakis and gets away with it.
A weary Melanie sits alone and hears Bo’s voice in her head ordering her not to leave town. She overhears Maggie telling someone to keep an eye on the Kiriakis table, stating that they’re one of her best customers.
The person asks if Victor Kiriakis is the head of one of the most powerful families in Salem, which Maggie confirms. This gives Melanie an idea.
Meanwhile, E.J. hopes that Philip’s not threatening his client. Philip just warns him that his father doesn’t like to be messed with. He then stands up and greets two Asian businessmen who have arrived. E.J. gets his cue to leave and runs into Nicole. “I’m pregnant,” she reveals. E.J. takes Nicole aside and asks if she’s sure. Nicole smiles that they’re going to have a baby and it’s a miracle, since she was told she couldn’t have kids. E.J. declares that she just made him the happiest man in the world, then kisses her. It turns out to only be a fantasy for Nicole. She comes back to reality and is about to tell him when E.J. gets a call, irritated that someone cancelled a meeting with him. She encourages him to still take Johnny to the zoo. E.J. apologizes for being short and agrees to call her later. Nicole requests to tell him in person and suggests dinner later, then they can finally go on that date which he promised her. E.J. gives her a quick kiss and invites her to come to the mansion for dinner, promising to have the chef prepare something very special. Nicole expresses how wonderful it sounds.
Philip later notices Melanie lurking nearby and asks who she is. “Someone that needs your help badly,” she replies. Philip clarifies that she has the wrong Kiriakis and introduces himself. Melanie insists that she needs Victor to help her track down a killer.
Mel gives Philip the short version of her story and wonders if he thinks Victor can help her find out who killed her father. Philip apologizes for her loss, but confirms that neither him nor his father is a private investigator. He wishes her luck with her search, then leaves.
Lucas wheels Allie back inside the DiMera mansion to retrieve her stuffed bear, then rushes to Sami’s side after seeing her passed out, encouraging her to wake up. A woozy Sami comes to and insists that she needs to go to the police station. Lucas helps her up and affirms that he’s taking her to a doctor.
Victor is at the police station and demands to see Caroline pronto, but Officer Chatsworth refuses to allow any visitors. Victor asks the officer if he has any idea who he is. The officer states that he’s Bo Brady’s father. “That’s not all I am,” scowls Victor. “He’s Victor Kiriakis. A man used to getting his way,” announces Kayla. Victor insists that he’s only there to help. Kayla believes his help is the last thing her mother needs right now, as she believes it could cause her more harm than good. Victor states that in all his years of loving Caroline he has never done anything intentionally to hurt her, and he doesn’t intend to start now.
After Victor walks out, Steve asks Kayla what Victor wanted. “Same thing he’s always wanted. My mother,” confirms Kayla. She makes it known that she doesn’t trust Victor. Steve says he doesn’t either, rehashing how he used to work for the guy. However, he believes that Victor has Caroline’s best interests at heart. Kayla agrees, but Victor's creative ways could get Caroline into more trouble.
Bo visits Caroline in her jail cell and asks how she’s doing. She admits she’s going stir crazy and wonders when they’re going to let her out. “I’m sorry Ma. They’re not,” replies Bo. A bewildered Caroline insists that she’s not involved in Trent’s murder. Bo reminds her that she was found with the dead body holding the murder weapon. He tries to assure her that they’re going to use any means necessary to find a print on the weapon which doesn’t belong to her. Caroline tries to stay strong and warns her son not to do anything stupid, since the D.A. and the mayor are watching him like a hawk to ensure he doesn’t show favoritism to anybody. She rehashes how he tampered with evidence with Philip and Victor. Bo insists that he’s not going to do that. “You’re damn right you’re not. Because if you do, I’ll turn you in myself,” she warns.
Bo insists that he needs to get her out of jail. Caroline believes she will get out without any funny business because she’s innocent. “Well, who knows how long that will take?” he wonders. Caroline states that she has her faith and family to get her through. She reiterating her warning not to do anything which he’ll regret and thus throwing away an incredible opportunity to be the new police commissioner. “I’m innocent, and my two sons will prove that,” she declares. She admits that she didn’t like Trent Robbins, but she didn’t stick a knife in his back. Officer Chatsworth interrupts and states that there’s someone who insists on seeing Caroline.
Maggie greets E.J.
at Chez Rouge, where they briefly discuss Caroline’s arrest. E.J. asks if Mr. Davidson has arrived yet, lamenting that he cancelled his zoo outing with Johnny in order to meet the gentleman. Maggie says not yet, so E.J. sits down with Philip. “You can tell Victor that he doesn’t have a prayer,” forewarns E.J., affirming that his client has no intention of giving up her settlement. Philip believes Nicole isn’t entitled to squat, since she was never legally married to Victor. E.J. states that Nicole was the victim of a deception and had no idea that her first marriage was legally dissolved. Philip says it’s not his father’s problem. E.J. points out that Nicole married Victor in good faith and they lived as husband and wife under the same roof until Victor decided to cast her aside. Philip warns that nobody crosses Victor Kiriakis and gets away with it.
A weary Melanie sits alone and hears Bo’s voice in her head ordering her not to leave town. She overhears Maggie telling someone to keep an eye on the Kiriakis table, stating that they’re one of her best customers.
The person asks if Victor Kiriakis is the head of one of the most powerful families in Salem, which Maggie confirms. This gives Melanie an idea.
Meanwhile, E.J. hopes that Philip’s not threatening his client. Philip just warns him that his father doesn’t like to be messed with. He then stands up and greets two Asian businessmen who have arrived. E.J. gets his cue to leave and runs into Nicole. “I’m pregnant,” she reveals. E.J. takes Nicole aside and asks if she’s sure. Nicole smiles that they’re going to have a baby and it’s a miracle, since she was told she couldn’t have kids. E.J. declares that she just made him the happiest man in the world, then kisses her. It turns out to only be a fantasy for Nicole. She comes back to reality and is about to tell him when E.J. gets a call, irritated that someone cancelled a meeting with him. She encourages him to still take Johnny to the zoo. E.J. apologizes for being short and agrees to call her later. Nicole requests to tell him in person and suggests dinner later, then they can finally go on that date which he promised her. E.J. gives her a quick kiss and invites her to come to the mansion for dinner, promising to have the chef prepare something very special. Nicole expresses how wonderful it sounds.
Philip later notices Melanie lurking nearby and asks who she is. “Someone that needs your help badly,” she replies. Philip clarifies that she has the wrong Kiriakis and introduces himself. Melanie insists that she needs Victor to help her track down a killer.
Mel gives Philip the short version of her story and wonders if he thinks Victor can help her find out who killed her father. Philip apologizes for her loss, but confirms that neither him nor his father is a private investigator. He wishes her luck with her search, then leaves.
Lucas wheels Allie back inside the DiMera mansion to retrieve her stuffed bear, then rushes to Sami’s side after seeing her passed out, encouraging her to wake up. A woozy Sami comes to and insists that she needs to go to the police station. Lucas helps her up and affirms that he’s taking her to a doctor.
Victor is at the police station and demands to see Caroline pronto, but Officer Chatsworth refuses to allow any visitors. Victor asks the officer if he has any idea who he is. The officer states that he’s Bo Brady’s father. “That’s not all I am,” scowls Victor. “He’s Victor Kiriakis. A man used to getting his way,” announces Kayla. Victor insists that he’s only there to help. Kayla believes his help is the last thing her mother needs right now, as she believes it could cause her more harm than good. Victor states that in all his years of loving Caroline he has never done anything intentionally to hurt her, and he doesn’t intend to start now.
After Victor walks out, Steve asks Kayla what Victor wanted. “Same thing he’s always wanted. My mother,” confirms Kayla. She makes it known that she doesn’t trust Victor. Steve says he doesn’t either, rehashing how he used to work for the guy. However, he believes that Victor has Caroline’s best interests at heart. Kayla agrees, but Victor's creative ways could get Caroline into more trouble.
Bo visits Caroline in her jail cell and asks how she’s doing. She admits she’s going stir crazy and wonders when they’re going to let her out. “I’m sorry Ma. They’re not,” replies Bo. A bewildered Caroline insists that she’s not involved in Trent’s murder. Bo reminds her that she was found with the dead body holding the murder weapon. He tries to assure her that they’re going to use any means necessary to find a print on the weapon which doesn’t belong to her. Caroline tries to stay strong and warns her son not to do anything stupid, since the D.A. and the mayor are watching him like a hawk to ensure he doesn’t show favoritism to anybody. She rehashes how he tampered with evidence with Philip and Victor. Bo insists that he’s not going to do that. “You’re damn right you’re not. Because if you do, I’ll turn you in myself,” she warns.
Bo insists that he needs to get her out of jail. Caroline believes she will get out without any funny business because she’s innocent. “Well, who knows how long that will take?” he wonders. Caroline states that she has her faith and family to get her through. She reiterating her warning not to do anything which he’ll regret and thus throwing away an incredible opportunity to be the new police commissioner. “I’m innocent, and my two sons will prove that,” she declares. She admits that she didn’t like Trent Robbins, but she didn’t stick a knife in his back. Officer Chatsworth interrupts and states that there’s someone who insists on seeing Caroline.