A chiropractic practitioner is a health care professional whose purpose is to diagnose and treat mechanical disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system with the intention of affecting the nervous system and improving health.
It is founded on the assertion that a spinal joint dysfunction can affect the nervous system and result in many different conditions of diminished health.
Although it is a sort of alternative health treatment, it should not be confused with Tai Chi, Acupuncture or any other Oriental health care treatment.
Chiropractic is thought to be invented in Dr.
Palmer and is now practiced in many countries today.
On a similar line, osteopathy was founded by Andrew Taylor Still in reaction to what he perceived as inadequate medical treatment of his day.
Specifically, he believed that medications tended to be over prescribed and that such medications were often toxic in nature.
He intended his new system of medicine to be a reformation of the existing 19th century medical practices.
He invented the name "osteopathy" by blending two Greek roots osteon- for bone and -pathos for suffering in order to communicate his theory that disease and physiologic dysfunction were etiologically grounded in a disordered musculoskeletal system.
Thus, by diagnosing and treating the musculoskeletal system, he believed that physicians could treat a variety of diseases and spare patients the negative side-effects of drugs.
Osteopaths consider that the body is a unity of mind, physical body and spirit.
They claim to take into account both internal and external problems of the body-present and past; the vitality of the person and their ability to heal.
Osteopaths claim to help reduce pain associated with wear and tear in the joints.
Increased weight, poor posture, or misalignment of the spine or lower extremities increase the load on joints, which encourages degeneration.
Keeping joints mobile is claimed to help to drain toxins away and encourages beneficial nutrients to the joints.
Incorrect sustained posture is thought to lead to muscular tightness, joint restrictions and even internal problems.
Osteopaths claim to identify and help correct faulty posture caused from work or general adaptations.
Postural correction may sometimes necessitate a shoe lift called an orthotic device or orthosis.
Sciatica is caused by an irritation of the.
Osteopaths claim to determine where the nerve is being irritated and to help relieve the pressure on the nerve and thereby relieving the irritation and symptoms.
Chiropractic care is claimed to be a helpful and safe form of health care to treat pain due to spinal related conditions.
Chiropractic is thought to be effective because many causes of spinal disorders are related to abnormalities of the spine and the surrounding soft tissue structures.
Doctors of chiropractic are supposed to be trained to identify and treat subluxations (misalignments of the vertebrae) and their subsequent effect on the central nervous system.
Chiropractic care has been thought to increase not only the range of motion of the spine but also in the extremities.
For some, an increased range of motion means being able to bend down to pick up their grandchildren.
For others, it means they can garden without pain.
In some cases, an increase in range of motion may follow chiropractic adjustments.
While we do not recommend chiropractic nor osteopathic treatments as options for patients, some patients are still keen despite the risks associated with such treatments.
If you are considering treatment by a chiropractor or osteopath, below are some resources that may be helpful for you to make an informed choice of the potential risks and benefits involved.
org/wiki/Chiropractic http://en.
It is founded on the assertion that a spinal joint dysfunction can affect the nervous system and result in many different conditions of diminished health.
Although it is a sort of alternative health treatment, it should not be confused with Tai Chi, Acupuncture or any other Oriental health care treatment.
Chiropractic is thought to be invented in Dr.
Palmer and is now practiced in many countries today.
On a similar line, osteopathy was founded by Andrew Taylor Still in reaction to what he perceived as inadequate medical treatment of his day.
Specifically, he believed that medications tended to be over prescribed and that such medications were often toxic in nature.
He intended his new system of medicine to be a reformation of the existing 19th century medical practices.
He invented the name "osteopathy" by blending two Greek roots osteon- for bone and -pathos for suffering in order to communicate his theory that disease and physiologic dysfunction were etiologically grounded in a disordered musculoskeletal system.
Thus, by diagnosing and treating the musculoskeletal system, he believed that physicians could treat a variety of diseases and spare patients the negative side-effects of drugs.
Osteopaths consider that the body is a unity of mind, physical body and spirit.
They claim to take into account both internal and external problems of the body-present and past; the vitality of the person and their ability to heal.
Osteopaths claim to help reduce pain associated with wear and tear in the joints.
Increased weight, poor posture, or misalignment of the spine or lower extremities increase the load on joints, which encourages degeneration.
Keeping joints mobile is claimed to help to drain toxins away and encourages beneficial nutrients to the joints.
Incorrect sustained posture is thought to lead to muscular tightness, joint restrictions and even internal problems.
Osteopaths claim to identify and help correct faulty posture caused from work or general adaptations.
Postural correction may sometimes necessitate a shoe lift called an orthotic device or orthosis.
Sciatica is caused by an irritation of the.
Osteopaths claim to determine where the nerve is being irritated and to help relieve the pressure on the nerve and thereby relieving the irritation and symptoms.
Chiropractic care is claimed to be a helpful and safe form of health care to treat pain due to spinal related conditions.
Chiropractic is thought to be effective because many causes of spinal disorders are related to abnormalities of the spine and the surrounding soft tissue structures.
Doctors of chiropractic are supposed to be trained to identify and treat subluxations (misalignments of the vertebrae) and their subsequent effect on the central nervous system.
Chiropractic care has been thought to increase not only the range of motion of the spine but also in the extremities.
For some, an increased range of motion means being able to bend down to pick up their grandchildren.
For others, it means they can garden without pain.
In some cases, an increase in range of motion may follow chiropractic adjustments.
While we do not recommend chiropractic nor osteopathic treatments as options for patients, some patients are still keen despite the risks associated with such treatments.
If you are considering treatment by a chiropractor or osteopath, below are some resources that may be helpful for you to make an informed choice of the potential risks and benefits involved.
org/wiki/Chiropractic http://en.