- Party favors should not be the most expensive part of the party. They are simply a gesture to say thank you to your fellow guests for coming out to honor the bride to be. No one will mind if you don't spend a lot of money on them.
- Party favors should coordinate with the theme of the party. If you go out to a bar for drinks, think about martini mixers. If you are dressing up crazy and doing a scavenger hunt, favors such as feather boas might be appropriate.
- These days many bachelorette parties are attended by members of both sexes. Ensure that the party favor will be appreciated and used by men and women equally.
- Ensure that you have enough favors for everyone at the party. You'd hate to pass out the last favor and realize there are still two guests waiting for theirs.
- Incorporate the favors into the decor. It is one less decoration you have to purchase, and it will be fun to pass them out at the end of the party.
- Make sure that the favor is something that you yourself would like to receive at a party. If you think it's a piece of junk, the other guests will too. You are trying to give them something to remember the party by, not to toss in the nearest trash can.