Don't Waste Your Time Blogging I know that after reading a heading like that I will have a few folks that completely agree with me and some that will believe I am entirely nuts.
So here is the thing.
Blogging is like almost anything else in life, if you do it right it really works, if you do it wrong it doesn't.
The difficult part about blogs is that it really is hard to search out good quality information to help you make the right conclusion about what and how to create your blog.
In fact, it even gets worse since there's also plenty of bad information available as well.
Information that will get you to spend a lot of money on methods and schemes that just make it worse.
Worse, because you will have wasted valuable time and money and received slight if any results from it.
As sensible people, we can only tolerate so much frustration before we decide to give up on a concept and move on to something else.
So what I am going to propose is that you do not give up, but instead, recognize the fact that there are a lot of very successful bloggers out there.
Better yet, there are also some great resources that will help you make your blogs work the right way.
If You Want Blogging To Work You Need The Right Tools & Training Isn't this really the case for most things in life.
So what I would like to do is make it easier to sort out the facts from the fantasies regarding doing a blog.
One of the main myths is that, all you need to do is set up a free blog and post everyday.
Like magic if you do that, in a matter of time you should have a successful blog and the entire world will likely be clamoring to read it.
Here's the truth and fiction about this concept, first the good stuff.
If you happen to create posts almost on a daily basis, and also the content is something people want to read about.
Then you can dramatically increase your probability of getting your posts read.
But that is just scratching the surface.
To really make a blog sing, you should invest a couple of dollars and obtain a name that is relevant to your market.
This is a topic known as keywords and keyword optimization, which I will cover in a soon to be released free boot camp.
But just know that the name of your blog must be relevant.
The second thing is that you need to choose subjects which are the ones people like to read.
This should be basic common sense, but often the apparent is over looked.
The next thing is that you need to make sure of is that there isn't so much competition for the idea that your page has little or no likelihood of being looked at.
The last thing is that the article must be written in a way that the Google algorithms find it worthy of note and move it to the top end of the list.
This again is a long subject and something I will be covering in my boot camp.
An Investment Of Time & Some Money Is Essential With Blogging One last point on the subject of how a blog works.
There is always a supposition that you can do a blog for free.
The actual fact is that you can.
But not if you want to dominate a market with it.
Unless you're in an obscure enough market, say underwater basket weaving, the probabilities are that without an investment in a few tools, you'll probably never get your posts seen.
The last thing is time and patience.
It is simple to throw up your hands in frustration and say, I tried and got nothing for it.
If you go away with nothing else, think of this one thing.
To own an effective blog will take you no less than ninety days and more then likely twice that to really take off.
So you'll want to be patient and consistent if you are going to use blogging as a prime tool to grow a business.
So here is the thing.
Blogging is like almost anything else in life, if you do it right it really works, if you do it wrong it doesn't.
The difficult part about blogs is that it really is hard to search out good quality information to help you make the right conclusion about what and how to create your blog.
In fact, it even gets worse since there's also plenty of bad information available as well.
Information that will get you to spend a lot of money on methods and schemes that just make it worse.
Worse, because you will have wasted valuable time and money and received slight if any results from it.
As sensible people, we can only tolerate so much frustration before we decide to give up on a concept and move on to something else.
So what I am going to propose is that you do not give up, but instead, recognize the fact that there are a lot of very successful bloggers out there.
Better yet, there are also some great resources that will help you make your blogs work the right way.
If You Want Blogging To Work You Need The Right Tools & Training Isn't this really the case for most things in life.
So what I would like to do is make it easier to sort out the facts from the fantasies regarding doing a blog.
One of the main myths is that, all you need to do is set up a free blog and post everyday.
Like magic if you do that, in a matter of time you should have a successful blog and the entire world will likely be clamoring to read it.
Here's the truth and fiction about this concept, first the good stuff.
If you happen to create posts almost on a daily basis, and also the content is something people want to read about.
Then you can dramatically increase your probability of getting your posts read.
But that is just scratching the surface.
To really make a blog sing, you should invest a couple of dollars and obtain a name that is relevant to your market.
This is a topic known as keywords and keyword optimization, which I will cover in a soon to be released free boot camp.
But just know that the name of your blog must be relevant.
The second thing is that you need to choose subjects which are the ones people like to read.
This should be basic common sense, but often the apparent is over looked.
The next thing is that you need to make sure of is that there isn't so much competition for the idea that your page has little or no likelihood of being looked at.
The last thing is that the article must be written in a way that the Google algorithms find it worthy of note and move it to the top end of the list.
This again is a long subject and something I will be covering in my boot camp.
An Investment Of Time & Some Money Is Essential With Blogging One last point on the subject of how a blog works.
There is always a supposition that you can do a blog for free.
The actual fact is that you can.
But not if you want to dominate a market with it.
Unless you're in an obscure enough market, say underwater basket weaving, the probabilities are that without an investment in a few tools, you'll probably never get your posts seen.
The last thing is time and patience.
It is simple to throw up your hands in frustration and say, I tried and got nothing for it.
If you go away with nothing else, think of this one thing.
To own an effective blog will take you no less than ninety days and more then likely twice that to really take off.
So you'll want to be patient and consistent if you are going to use blogging as a prime tool to grow a business.