I'm going to show you an exact process that you can use to develop a high ticket item with the information that you already have.
You can take what you have right now and how that's relevant to people and how they'll pay you for that information that you have right now.
That doesn't mean that you can't continue to grow.
I learn new stuff every single month and then I continue to pass it on to you guys.
I really believe that if you want to have a high ticket product created within the next three to five days, now is not the time to go out and learn lots of new information; it's the time to take everything you have already.
I say this to everybody, but now is the time to take all the information that you already have right now and package it in such a way that other people are welling to pay $2,000, $4,000, $5,000-whatever that number is-for your particular information.
Then, down the road, if you learn more, then you can create a new class that focuses on that new information.
I know that doesn't completely answer your question yet, but I think that through the course of this phone call you're going to pick up some stuff that's going to help you to have that confidence to take what you have right now and put it together, rather than trying to go out and get more information.
Sometimes I'll talk on the phone with people and they'll say "Well, I want to make twenty grand a month, and I'd like to make that as quickly as possible because I'll be able to quit my job if I do that.
" And, you know, I'll ask them, "How fast do you want to learn how to do this?" "Oh, I'd love to be doing it in two months.
" We continue to talk and they say "I can't create a product until I go out and learn all this stuff, and it's going to take me a year to learn this.
" Well, there's a disconnect here.
I'm not speaking this to you, I really believe you've got it and can create a much higher ticker product; I believe that it's all there.
I'm talking about a generic person, because I get this a lot.
People say "Well, I've got to go out and I've got to learn all this information before I can deliver.
" What I'm going to say to everybody on this phone call is "take what you already have".
If you want big money online and you want to make it now, and you don't want to wait five years or until you have an education in whatever it is, take something that you already know and market to people who need what you have right now.
I believe every single one of you that are one this phone call has got it.
I can't speak for how much information you have, but I know some of you are in niches where you already have the information.
I know that a number of you already have the information that you can package.
You can take what you have right now and how that's relevant to people and how they'll pay you for that information that you have right now.
That doesn't mean that you can't continue to grow.
I learn new stuff every single month and then I continue to pass it on to you guys.
I really believe that if you want to have a high ticket product created within the next three to five days, now is not the time to go out and learn lots of new information; it's the time to take everything you have already.
I say this to everybody, but now is the time to take all the information that you already have right now and package it in such a way that other people are welling to pay $2,000, $4,000, $5,000-whatever that number is-for your particular information.
Then, down the road, if you learn more, then you can create a new class that focuses on that new information.
I know that doesn't completely answer your question yet, but I think that through the course of this phone call you're going to pick up some stuff that's going to help you to have that confidence to take what you have right now and put it together, rather than trying to go out and get more information.
Sometimes I'll talk on the phone with people and they'll say "Well, I want to make twenty grand a month, and I'd like to make that as quickly as possible because I'll be able to quit my job if I do that.
" And, you know, I'll ask them, "How fast do you want to learn how to do this?" "Oh, I'd love to be doing it in two months.
" We continue to talk and they say "I can't create a product until I go out and learn all this stuff, and it's going to take me a year to learn this.
" Well, there's a disconnect here.
I'm not speaking this to you, I really believe you've got it and can create a much higher ticker product; I believe that it's all there.
I'm talking about a generic person, because I get this a lot.
People say "Well, I've got to go out and I've got to learn all this information before I can deliver.
" What I'm going to say to everybody on this phone call is "take what you already have".
If you want big money online and you want to make it now, and you don't want to wait five years or until you have an education in whatever it is, take something that you already know and market to people who need what you have right now.
I believe every single one of you that are one this phone call has got it.
I can't speak for how much information you have, but I know some of you are in niches where you already have the information.
I know that a number of you already have the information that you can package.