The stories of dog attacks and dog bites on letter carriers who work for the post office are legendary.
So much so that the Postal Service issues all their letter carriers dog pepper spray as a first line of dog attack defense.
Attacking dogs bite mail carriers more often than any other category except small children.
Every year 4.
7 million Americans get bitten by dogs with close to 1 million of them requiring hospitalization.
Dog attacks and dog bites are no laughing matter.
If you have ever been bitten by a dog you know how terrifying it can be.
I was a victim some years back and still carry the scars to remind me.
Whenever I see an approaching, growling dog I get shivers up and down my spine.
Several years ago my neighbors and I started a daily walking club.
We walk around the neighborhood for some good exercise and general camaraderie.
Because of the business I am in I have been the designated defender of the group in case of a dog attack.
We see stray dogs virtually every day and frequently deer.
There is even an occasional bear! We don't worry about the bear or the deer, but we do worry about dogs.
Recently there's been a commercial on television that says that one-third of all home owner insurance claims revolve around dog attacks and dog bites.
It represents a substantial amount of money for the insurance companies and increased premiums for the home owners.
There are already leash laws that are in effect; but the problem is few pet owners pay any attention to them, and law enforcement officials have many other things that are more important to do.
I used to carry a pepper spray and had to use it once or twice for my own self-defense, but now I carry a powerful stun baton.
Just the sight and sound of the charging stun gun is enough to scare human assailants away and the same is true for dogs.
When they see the flying sparks and hear the crackling sounds of the charging stun device it scares the living daylights out of them.
If you love to walk, jog or bicycle in the great outdoors for exercise or just the fun of it make sure you carry a product for self-defense against attacking dogs.
It is much better to be safe than a victim of a dog attack.
So much so that the Postal Service issues all their letter carriers dog pepper spray as a first line of dog attack defense.
Attacking dogs bite mail carriers more often than any other category except small children.
Every year 4.
7 million Americans get bitten by dogs with close to 1 million of them requiring hospitalization.
Dog attacks and dog bites are no laughing matter.
If you have ever been bitten by a dog you know how terrifying it can be.
I was a victim some years back and still carry the scars to remind me.
Whenever I see an approaching, growling dog I get shivers up and down my spine.
Several years ago my neighbors and I started a daily walking club.
We walk around the neighborhood for some good exercise and general camaraderie.
Because of the business I am in I have been the designated defender of the group in case of a dog attack.
We see stray dogs virtually every day and frequently deer.
There is even an occasional bear! We don't worry about the bear or the deer, but we do worry about dogs.
Recently there's been a commercial on television that says that one-third of all home owner insurance claims revolve around dog attacks and dog bites.
It represents a substantial amount of money for the insurance companies and increased premiums for the home owners.
There are already leash laws that are in effect; but the problem is few pet owners pay any attention to them, and law enforcement officials have many other things that are more important to do.
I used to carry a pepper spray and had to use it once or twice for my own self-defense, but now I carry a powerful stun baton.
Just the sight and sound of the charging stun gun is enough to scare human assailants away and the same is true for dogs.
When they see the flying sparks and hear the crackling sounds of the charging stun device it scares the living daylights out of them.
If you love to walk, jog or bicycle in the great outdoors for exercise or just the fun of it make sure you carry a product for self-defense against attacking dogs.
It is much better to be safe than a victim of a dog attack.