Everyone has a case of the munchies every once and a while, but are their ways to counter-act weight gain instead of counting calories? Check out the following tips on how to snack more healthily.
It is inevitable. No matter how hard you try to count calories or lose weight, at some point you'll fall to temptation. What matters is that when temptation hits you can deal with it well. Don't succumb to ruining your diet just because you get the munchies. Find out how to snack more healthily and learn what you can do to stay in control.
1. Water
Water can fill you up and nip the pains of hunger. Drink it first and then wait for ten minutes. Chances are your cravings will go away, if they don't then try a healthy snack like some cereal or a granola bar. Drinking water throughout the day helps you from getting dehydrated, which helps your body function better. It also keeps you detoxified and gives you energy. Finally, studies have shown that drinking a cold glass of water actually helps you burn calories. Why? Since the water is cold, your body has to use energy to warm it up. Interesting, right?
2. Chocolate Milk
Most people often have a craving for chocolate, particularly in the middle of the night. Tonight if you wake up craving something sweet and chocolaty, try drinking chocolate milk. Chocolate milk makes a great snack because it is low in calories. It is composed mostly of carbohydrates and protein. Chocolate milk that is low or non-fat is best. In addition, chocolate milk promotes muscle and bone health and provides your body with many of the vitamins and minerals that it needs. Also, many people don't realize it, but milk is good for your cardiovascular system as well.
3. Nuts
Nuts provide us with nutrients, fiber, and healthy fats. People who commonly consume nuts are often slimmer and healthier than those who don't. They make a great snack; they lower your appetite, and prevent you from overeating. Studies have also shown that avid nut eaters have a reduced risk of health complications such as heart disease. In fact, Brazil nuts have been found to reduce the risk of cancer. Eating a shot-glass worth of nuts several times a week is highly recommended.
4. Veggies
They may not seem like something you want at first, but knowing a few facts may change your mind. Vegetables are low in calories and fat, so you really don't have to worry about how many you eat. They give you more energy because of their nutritional value. They also keep you from being dehydrated. Plus, since they are full of fiber, they keep your stomach fuller longer. Do you know why people eat salads before dinner? So that your body absorbs the nutrients from the salad, and then less of the calories from the more fattening foods are absorbed.
5. Popcorn
Popcorn is a good source of complex carbs because it is a whole grain. It is low in calories, as long as you don't douse it with too much butter or salt. When you are trying to decide whether to reach for popcorn or a chocolate bar at the movies, just remember this while learning how to snack more healthily: A cup of unbuttered popcorn is only 30-55 calories, where a chocolate bar is 200 calories. This means that it would only take a nine-minute walk to burn of the calories of one serving of popcorn, but it would take you 63 minutes of walking to burn off that chocolate bar.
It is inevitable. No matter how hard you try to count calories or lose weight, at some point you'll fall to temptation. What matters is that when temptation hits you can deal with it well. Don't succumb to ruining your diet just because you get the munchies. Find out how to snack more healthily and learn what you can do to stay in control.
1. Water
Water can fill you up and nip the pains of hunger. Drink it first and then wait for ten minutes. Chances are your cravings will go away, if they don't then try a healthy snack like some cereal or a granola bar. Drinking water throughout the day helps you from getting dehydrated, which helps your body function better. It also keeps you detoxified and gives you energy. Finally, studies have shown that drinking a cold glass of water actually helps you burn calories. Why? Since the water is cold, your body has to use energy to warm it up. Interesting, right?
2. Chocolate Milk
Most people often have a craving for chocolate, particularly in the middle of the night. Tonight if you wake up craving something sweet and chocolaty, try drinking chocolate milk. Chocolate milk makes a great snack because it is low in calories. It is composed mostly of carbohydrates and protein. Chocolate milk that is low or non-fat is best. In addition, chocolate milk promotes muscle and bone health and provides your body with many of the vitamins and minerals that it needs. Also, many people don't realize it, but milk is good for your cardiovascular system as well.
3. Nuts
Nuts provide us with nutrients, fiber, and healthy fats. People who commonly consume nuts are often slimmer and healthier than those who don't. They make a great snack; they lower your appetite, and prevent you from overeating. Studies have also shown that avid nut eaters have a reduced risk of health complications such as heart disease. In fact, Brazil nuts have been found to reduce the risk of cancer. Eating a shot-glass worth of nuts several times a week is highly recommended.
4. Veggies
They may not seem like something you want at first, but knowing a few facts may change your mind. Vegetables are low in calories and fat, so you really don't have to worry about how many you eat. They give you more energy because of their nutritional value. They also keep you from being dehydrated. Plus, since they are full of fiber, they keep your stomach fuller longer. Do you know why people eat salads before dinner? So that your body absorbs the nutrients from the salad, and then less of the calories from the more fattening foods are absorbed.
5. Popcorn
Popcorn is a good source of complex carbs because it is a whole grain. It is low in calories, as long as you don't douse it with too much butter or salt. When you are trying to decide whether to reach for popcorn or a chocolate bar at the movies, just remember this while learning how to snack more healthily: A cup of unbuttered popcorn is only 30-55 calories, where a chocolate bar is 200 calories. This means that it would only take a nine-minute walk to burn of the calories of one serving of popcorn, but it would take you 63 minutes of walking to burn off that chocolate bar.