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A typical location for a vehicle battery is under the hood, in the engine compartmentman working on car image by palms from Fotolia.com
Disconnect the negative battery cable from the vehicle battery. - 2
Typical belt sprocketdiscarded gear image by Glenn Jenkinson from Fotolia.com
Locate the crankshaft timing belt sprocket. You will find this large sprocket next to the engine oil pan, on the front of the engine block. - 3
Socket wrench and socketssocket wrench image by Jim Mills from Fotolia.com
Turn the crankshaft sprocket clockwise with a socket and socket wrench, until the timing marks on the crankshaft sprocket and inner timing belt cover are lined up. There is a single timing mark, usually a dot, on the crankshaft sprocket and the inner timing belt cover. - 4
Automotive belt and pulleytiming belt image by Albert Lozano from Fotolia.com
Install the new timing belt by hand, starting under the bottom side of the crankshaft sprocket, then continue counter-clockwise around the auxiliary and camshaft sprockets. Make sure the teeth on the belt are lined up in the grooves that are found on the pulleys. Do not rotate these pulleys, or the engine timing will be affected. - 5). Loosen the bolt that secures the timing belt tensioner roller against the timing belt, using a socket wrench and socket and turning counter-clockwise.
- 6). Push the roller against the timing belt by hand, creating tension in the timing belt, then tighten the roller bolt using a socket wrench and socket, turning clockwise while holding the roller in place.
- 7). Rotate the crankshaft sprocket two turns clockwise, using a socket wrench and socket. This will remove the slack from the belt. Make sure the belt is still in alignment and the timing marks on the crankshaft sprocket and inner timing belt cover still line up.
- 8). Locate the tensioner adjustment bolt inside the timing belt tensioner spring, next to the tensioner roller.
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Typical torque wrench and socket extensiontorque wrench and accessories image by Christopher Dodge from Fotolia.com
Tighten the tensioner adjustment bolt by using a torque wrench and socket and turning the bolt clockwise until the vehicles recommend torque specification is reached. This will ensure the proper tension on the timing belt. - 10
Typical bolts and washersbolt, nut and washers image by Tom Oliveira from Fotolia.com
Install the crankshaft pulley, using a socket wrench, socket extension and socket and turning the bolt clockwise until the pulley is fully seated. Make sure to place a washer between the pulley bolt and pulley. - 11
Install the outer timing belt cover, using a socket wrench and socket and turning the bolts clockwise until the timing belt cover is evenly seated on the inner timing belt cover. - 12
Install the water pump pulley and fan blades, using a socket wrench and sockets and turning all bolts clockwise until fully tightened. - 13
Typical hose clampstwo hose clamp image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from Fotolia.com
Install the upper radiator hose, using a hose clamp on each end of the hose. Tighten the clamps, using a Phillips head screwdriver or open-end wrench and turning the clamp screws clockwise. - 14
Refill the radiator with the vehicles recommended mixture of water and coolant. - 15
Reconnect the negative battery cable to the vehicle battery. - 16
Start the engine and check the vehicle engine timing. Adjust the timing, if necessary.