- 1). Clean kitchens and bathrooms thoroughly at least once a week. Dispose of any crumbs or food particles and keep waste baskets in the home sealed with a lid. Never leave out open food in any area of your home as this can cause cockroaches to travel throughout your living space.
- 2). Avoid leaving bags of garbage inside your home. Take garbage outside and place in a garbage can as soon as your inside waste bin is full. Do not allow garbage to overflow or keep the can lid open.
- 3). Avoid leaving water in the sinks or bathtubs. Like humans, cockroaches need water to survive, and they will generally accumulate around any source of water. Leaking faucets or toilets can also attract cockroaches, so be sure to caulk around toilet and sink bases and fix a leaky faucet as soon as possible.
- 4). Line the walls behind ovens and refrigerators with Boric Acid. Line the base of door openings as well as behind kitchen base cabinets. This acid eats away at cockroaches internally and kills other cockroaches that feed on the dead. Boric acid should also be dumped into any holes in your walls such as those for water under the sink. Boric Acid is toxic if digested, so apply Boric Acid with caution in homes with small children and animals.
- 5). Fill in any holes in the wall as soon as possible. Use a foam expanding spray, such as "The Foam Stuff" to fill in pipe holes in the kitchen. The spray expands up to 10 times its size, perfectly insulating and filling the holes in less than an hour.
- 6). Line the inside of cabinets as well as along cabinet toe kicks with a gel poison for cockroaches. Combat offers a syringe style gel that is easy to apply in any area around the home. Some gels are safe to use around small children and animals, however read the package thoroughly before purchasing to ensure the product is safe to use. Wash any dishes or eating utensils before using after lining the interior of cabinets with the gel.