As with all foods you eat €" yes even fruit and vegetables €" eat them in excess and they can be bad for your health. However, learn how to eat a balanced diet and there is nothing stopping you from enjoying your favourite steaks, pork chops or chicken breasts.
In fact, one Australian study found that of the participants who ate a high protein diet consisting of lean red meat, fruit and vegetables they actually managed to lose more weight and lower their bad cholesterol levels.
What health advantages do meat offer?
Now this will depend on the meat you're eating but in general:
€ Red meat €" is usually classed as beef (the most nutrient dense), pork (the leanest), lamb (the fattiest), duck and goose, and is high in zinc and iron.
- Zinc: red meat is a fantastic source for zinc (which is good for your immune system and skin), and is the most efficient way for you to get it from your food, other than milk and lentils. Most nutritionists recommend eating 2 portions of red meat a week in order to get plenty of zinc.
- Iron: your body needs iron in order to regenerate blood cells. Now interestingly your body is able to better use iron from meat than vegetables, and this is especially true of beef.
- Minerals: red meat is also well known for containing important minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and potassium as well as vitamins such as B12.
- Protein: now red meat plays an important role when it comes to protein as it contains all the amino acids that your body isn't capable of making, but is needed to help repair your body and encourage muscle and organ growth.
- Fat: remember the bad cholesterol we mentioned? By cutting the fat off red meat and grilling it, you can help to reduce bad fat and cholesterol by up to 66%.
€ White meat €" this usually covers chicken, turkey and rabbit, but in terms of cuisine can also cover pork.
Now in terms of nutrients, white meat usually contains more or less the same as red meat but without the saturated fat. Similarly, you can choose from dark or light white meat.
- Dark white meat: is generally higher in zinc, iron, B vitamins, omega-3, omega-6 and amino acids, although light white meat tends to be more popular.
Can eating meat help me to stay healthy?
Yes as long as you eat beef, pork, lamb and chicken in moderation and remember to remove the fat and skin before cooking it healthily i.e. grilling, boiling or baking. Do all this and you can live a healthy lifestyle.
So make sure meat is a part of your life.
In fact, one Australian study found that of the participants who ate a high protein diet consisting of lean red meat, fruit and vegetables they actually managed to lose more weight and lower their bad cholesterol levels.
What health advantages do meat offer?
Now this will depend on the meat you're eating but in general:
€ Red meat €" is usually classed as beef (the most nutrient dense), pork (the leanest), lamb (the fattiest), duck and goose, and is high in zinc and iron.
- Zinc: red meat is a fantastic source for zinc (which is good for your immune system and skin), and is the most efficient way for you to get it from your food, other than milk and lentils. Most nutritionists recommend eating 2 portions of red meat a week in order to get plenty of zinc.
- Iron: your body needs iron in order to regenerate blood cells. Now interestingly your body is able to better use iron from meat than vegetables, and this is especially true of beef.
- Minerals: red meat is also well known for containing important minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and potassium as well as vitamins such as B12.
- Protein: now red meat plays an important role when it comes to protein as it contains all the amino acids that your body isn't capable of making, but is needed to help repair your body and encourage muscle and organ growth.
- Fat: remember the bad cholesterol we mentioned? By cutting the fat off red meat and grilling it, you can help to reduce bad fat and cholesterol by up to 66%.
€ White meat €" this usually covers chicken, turkey and rabbit, but in terms of cuisine can also cover pork.
Now in terms of nutrients, white meat usually contains more or less the same as red meat but without the saturated fat. Similarly, you can choose from dark or light white meat.
- Dark white meat: is generally higher in zinc, iron, B vitamins, omega-3, omega-6 and amino acids, although light white meat tends to be more popular.
Can eating meat help me to stay healthy?
Yes as long as you eat beef, pork, lamb and chicken in moderation and remember to remove the fat and skin before cooking it healthily i.e. grilling, boiling or baking. Do all this and you can live a healthy lifestyle.
So make sure meat is a part of your life.