Educators through-out Tennessee are beginning the selection efforts to determine the process they need to implement under the new Race to the Top iniative. Under the new designation, specific schools in the state have been selected to receive substantial funds with state and federal support to implement large-scale change to help improve student performance. These schools are now tasked with finding solutions that are long-term and proven to help reform their current educational programs.
As a result, a special event for Tennessee schools and education professionals is being held on May 6th to report on Johnson City Schools' efforts to improve student performance. Johnson City Schools has partnered with Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes, an internationally recognized leader in literacy research and remediation, since 2006 in an effort to transform struggling schools and to meet the literacy needs of all students. After a luncheon to highlight the current efforts, attendees will visit a local school where individuals will have the opportunity to see how Johnson City is already Racing to the Top and observe Lindamood-Bell instruction being implemented in classrooms and in intervention settings.
Lindamood-Bell School Partnerships (currently an applicant to be a state approved turnaround provider) include state-of-the-art professional development that prepares teachers to effectively implement a high quality and sustainable literacy initiative. Since the partnership began with Johnson City Schools, more then 200 teachers in the district have received professional development in the Lindamood-Bell programs, which address all aspects of reading instruction and professional development. Teachers are provided with embedded coaching and support from on-site Lindamood-Bell staff, establishing effective Professional Learning Communities.
This unique model of school reform is being made possible to more schools in Tennessee through the state's winning of a federal ARRA funding program called Race to the Top. The allocated funds came through a submission process by each state applying to federal Department of Education, with two states (Tennessee and Delaware) becoming the final selections to be able to receive specific school funding allocations for Tier 1, 2, and 3 services in hopes to combat literacy deficiencies.
"With a focus on professional development, schools have begun seeing immediate progress," says Paul Worthington, Director of Professional Development for Lindamood-Bell. "One shining example is Mountain View Elementary School. At this site, the leadership embraced the Lindamood-Bell model and implemented the programs school-wide as a part of their RtI framework. Students, including EL and SPED students, are making dramatic and significant progress in reading and comprehension skills."
This year, over 400 students in the district will receive targeted intervention utilizing the Lindamood-Bell programs. In addition, classrooms are providing developmental instruction in all areas mandated by the state of Tennessee with all students being given the resources to read and comprehend at grade level.
Johnson City Schools Partnership since 2006:
Lindamood-Bell instruction being implemented in 8 elementaryschools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school.
More than 200 Johnson City Schools teaching staff have attendedLindamood-Bell Workshops.
More than 1100 Johnson City Schools students have receivedLindamood-Bell intensive instruction.
Six teachers are Lindamood-Bell Certified Consultants.
Comprehensive support for District Leadership provided.
2009-2010 School Year Instruction Demographics:
Over 450 students receiving Lindamood-Bell intensive intervention.
Over 100 intensive groups.
Over 60 students exited intensive groups mid-year.
Over 1250 students receiving Lindamood-Bell classroom instruction.
The model that Johnson City Schools has implemented with Lindamood-Bell is a replication of a project that has been ongoing for over 8 years in Pueblo, Colorado. This original project was the subject of a 2006 AERJ (American Education Research Journal) article that found this was the only example of a scaled-up research-based program on a district level with sustained results.
Information on these projects can be found online at: or by calling 805-541-3836
As a result, a special event for Tennessee schools and education professionals is being held on May 6th to report on Johnson City Schools' efforts to improve student performance. Johnson City Schools has partnered with Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes, an internationally recognized leader in literacy research and remediation, since 2006 in an effort to transform struggling schools and to meet the literacy needs of all students. After a luncheon to highlight the current efforts, attendees will visit a local school where individuals will have the opportunity to see how Johnson City is already Racing to the Top and observe Lindamood-Bell instruction being implemented in classrooms and in intervention settings.
Lindamood-Bell School Partnerships (currently an applicant to be a state approved turnaround provider) include state-of-the-art professional development that prepares teachers to effectively implement a high quality and sustainable literacy initiative. Since the partnership began with Johnson City Schools, more then 200 teachers in the district have received professional development in the Lindamood-Bell programs, which address all aspects of reading instruction and professional development. Teachers are provided with embedded coaching and support from on-site Lindamood-Bell staff, establishing effective Professional Learning Communities.
This unique model of school reform is being made possible to more schools in Tennessee through the state's winning of a federal ARRA funding program called Race to the Top. The allocated funds came through a submission process by each state applying to federal Department of Education, with two states (Tennessee and Delaware) becoming the final selections to be able to receive specific school funding allocations for Tier 1, 2, and 3 services in hopes to combat literacy deficiencies.
"With a focus on professional development, schools have begun seeing immediate progress," says Paul Worthington, Director of Professional Development for Lindamood-Bell. "One shining example is Mountain View Elementary School. At this site, the leadership embraced the Lindamood-Bell model and implemented the programs school-wide as a part of their RtI framework. Students, including EL and SPED students, are making dramatic and significant progress in reading and comprehension skills."
This year, over 400 students in the district will receive targeted intervention utilizing the Lindamood-Bell programs. In addition, classrooms are providing developmental instruction in all areas mandated by the state of Tennessee with all students being given the resources to read and comprehend at grade level.
Johnson City Schools Partnership since 2006:
Lindamood-Bell instruction being implemented in 8 elementaryschools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school.
More than 200 Johnson City Schools teaching staff have attendedLindamood-Bell Workshops.
More than 1100 Johnson City Schools students have receivedLindamood-Bell intensive instruction.
Six teachers are Lindamood-Bell Certified Consultants.
Comprehensive support for District Leadership provided.
2009-2010 School Year Instruction Demographics:
Over 450 students receiving Lindamood-Bell intensive intervention.
Over 100 intensive groups.
Over 60 students exited intensive groups mid-year.
Over 1250 students receiving Lindamood-Bell classroom instruction.
The model that Johnson City Schools has implemented with Lindamood-Bell is a replication of a project that has been ongoing for over 8 years in Pueblo, Colorado. This original project was the subject of a 2006 AERJ (American Education Research Journal) article that found this was the only example of a scaled-up research-based program on a district level with sustained results.
Information on these projects can be found online at: or by calling 805-541-3836