Hemorrhoids, also known as Piles, are painful, annoying and embarrassing.
Hemorrhoids are very similar to varicose veins except these swollen veins are in the rectum.
When bulging hemorrhoid veins are irritated, they cause surrounding membranes to swell, burn, itch, become very painful, and bleed.
The pressure in the anus on the hemorrhoids veins, force the blood to inflate the walls and occasionally rupture them causing bleeding.
Some of the most common causes of bleeding hemorrhoids include; Straining with bowel movements (from constipation or hard stools), diarrhea, severe coughing, childbirth and heavy lifting.
Internal hemorrhoids usually do not hurt or itch, you cannot feel them, because they are deep inside the rectum.
The main symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bleeding, but since the blood covering stool might be caused by different sources, such as colon cancer you should have it check by your medical practitioner.
However, internal bleeding hemorrhoids may protrude through the anus outside the body, like external hemorrhoids.
This condition is known as protruding hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids painful symptoms, like burning and itching could make sitting down or walking very difficult.
If an external hemorrhoids becomes strangulated (cut off from blood supply) a blood clots can form and become an excruciatingly painful thromboses hemorrhoids.
Because of these unpleasant symptoms, external hemorrhoids get the most attention.
When the rectal veins expand and hemorrhoids appear, it could be complicated to get rid of them entirely.
Fortunately, good habits and simple medical hemorrhoids treatment usually control hemorrhoids well, and surgery is only recommended in unusually severe cases.
Avoid unnecessary straining or using a rough cloth while sponging around the anus area gently, or this might cause abrasions and bleeding.
Some rectal problems; such as fissures, fistulae, abscesses or irritation and itching, have similar symptoms and are incorrectly referred to as hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids are very common condition, but not life threatening.
For some pregnant women this condition is usually only temporarily.
The pressure of the fetus on the abdomen during pregnancy and childbirth and hormonal changes, might cause the hemorrhoid veins to expand.
When hemorrhoids treatment have failed; Of course the best way is to prevent hemorrhoids to appear; is to keep stools soft, so they pass easily, thus less pressure and strain will stop this happening.
Empty your bowel as soon as possible after the urge occurs.
Exercise regularly and introduce more fibre in your diet to reduce constipation and straining, your stools will be easier to pass.
Rubber band ligation; A rubber band is positioned in the region inside the rectum encircling the base of the hemorrhoid.
The band stops the blood flow and the hemorrhoid shrivels and fades away.
Sclerotherapy; Sclerosing solution is injected into the blood vessel of the hemorrhoid, which shrink immediately, then over a period of a few weeks dissolve completely.
Infrared coagulation; Infrared probe is inserted inside the rectum, for about a second the tissue is exposed to infrared light, which whither the tissue right away.
Hemorrhoidectomy; This surgical procedure is recommended in cases, where thrombosis or blood clot has already developed.
Some treatment products contain the same ingredients that are used for treatment of anal symptoms such as itching or discomfort.
Few studies proved that these drugs do not help to get rid of the hemorrhoids as such, they treat only the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Effectiveness of these drugs relates to treatment of anal conditions other than hemorrhoids such as idiopathic anal itching, which have similar symptoms as hemorrhoids.
Natural herbal extract product, that you might consider are made from a blend of herbs, which helps to stimulate your immune system.
They are safe to take and without any side effects.
Varieties of product for hemorrhoids are available as; an ointment, creams, gels, suppositories, foams or pads.
Hemorrhoids are very similar to varicose veins except these swollen veins are in the rectum.
When bulging hemorrhoid veins are irritated, they cause surrounding membranes to swell, burn, itch, become very painful, and bleed.
The pressure in the anus on the hemorrhoids veins, force the blood to inflate the walls and occasionally rupture them causing bleeding.
Some of the most common causes of bleeding hemorrhoids include; Straining with bowel movements (from constipation or hard stools), diarrhea, severe coughing, childbirth and heavy lifting.
Internal hemorrhoids usually do not hurt or itch, you cannot feel them, because they are deep inside the rectum.
The main symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bleeding, but since the blood covering stool might be caused by different sources, such as colon cancer you should have it check by your medical practitioner.
However, internal bleeding hemorrhoids may protrude through the anus outside the body, like external hemorrhoids.
This condition is known as protruding hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids painful symptoms, like burning and itching could make sitting down or walking very difficult.
If an external hemorrhoids becomes strangulated (cut off from blood supply) a blood clots can form and become an excruciatingly painful thromboses hemorrhoids.
Because of these unpleasant symptoms, external hemorrhoids get the most attention.
When the rectal veins expand and hemorrhoids appear, it could be complicated to get rid of them entirely.
Fortunately, good habits and simple medical hemorrhoids treatment usually control hemorrhoids well, and surgery is only recommended in unusually severe cases.
Avoid unnecessary straining or using a rough cloth while sponging around the anus area gently, or this might cause abrasions and bleeding.
Some rectal problems; such as fissures, fistulae, abscesses or irritation and itching, have similar symptoms and are incorrectly referred to as hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids are very common condition, but not life threatening.
For some pregnant women this condition is usually only temporarily.
The pressure of the fetus on the abdomen during pregnancy and childbirth and hormonal changes, might cause the hemorrhoid veins to expand.
When hemorrhoids treatment have failed; Of course the best way is to prevent hemorrhoids to appear; is to keep stools soft, so they pass easily, thus less pressure and strain will stop this happening.
Empty your bowel as soon as possible after the urge occurs.
Exercise regularly and introduce more fibre in your diet to reduce constipation and straining, your stools will be easier to pass.
Rubber band ligation; A rubber band is positioned in the region inside the rectum encircling the base of the hemorrhoid.
The band stops the blood flow and the hemorrhoid shrivels and fades away.
Sclerotherapy; Sclerosing solution is injected into the blood vessel of the hemorrhoid, which shrink immediately, then over a period of a few weeks dissolve completely.
Infrared coagulation; Infrared probe is inserted inside the rectum, for about a second the tissue is exposed to infrared light, which whither the tissue right away.
Hemorrhoidectomy; This surgical procedure is recommended in cases, where thrombosis or blood clot has already developed.
Some treatment products contain the same ingredients that are used for treatment of anal symptoms such as itching or discomfort.
Few studies proved that these drugs do not help to get rid of the hemorrhoids as such, they treat only the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
Effectiveness of these drugs relates to treatment of anal conditions other than hemorrhoids such as idiopathic anal itching, which have similar symptoms as hemorrhoids.
Natural herbal extract product, that you might consider are made from a blend of herbs, which helps to stimulate your immune system.
They are safe to take and without any side effects.
Varieties of product for hemorrhoids are available as; an ointment, creams, gels, suppositories, foams or pads.